Always you

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The kids are up early and excited to spend the day with their dad. I am just praying that Jase doesn't disappoint them. Yesterday had been so hard. My kids lost their father for two years all because of a misunderstanding but of course it's all Jase's dad fault. I have no idea why that man hates me so much.

The bell rings and the kids run to get it. Ever since yesterday they can't stop smiling. Nothing makes me happier then seen them happy. Even if I am broken inside I can make it with them.

"Can mommy come daddy?" Kyle asks. The kids move aside and let him in. He still looks like the guy I fell in love with. The one who can rock a plain white t-shirt and jeans.

"Of course. Scarlett would you like to come with us?" the kids nod their head and give me their pouting faces. I can't say no.

"Okay I'll go," they clap their hands and hug me.

"You guys have your swimming clothes cause we're going to the beach!" Jase says bending down and telling the twins.

"Let's get our pool toys Vi," Kyle says as Vi goes after him.

"Isn't the beach kind of far from here," I ask knowing it's a four hour drive.

"I was hoping you would agree to go to the beach house and stay there with the kids for a few days. I talked to Beatrice yesterday and she said it was perfect. So work isn't stopping you.."

"I don't think it's a g-"

"They have never been to the beach, let me atleast be the one to take them first," I would have disagreed but looking at Vi and Kyle look for their pool toys and running around smiling made me agree for them.

After packing everything for a few days we make our way out of the apartment. We walk out to see a big limo. I eye Jase and he smirks.

"Hope in," he says opening the door. The kids go right in. The driver takes our luggage and places it in the trunk. Jase still holds the door open for me. I want to tell him the limo is a little too much when a flash goes off. Jase pushes me inside and closes the door behind us. The paparazzi has found him.

"To the beach house Dwayne," Jase yells to the driver. "Sorry I didn't know they would find me here," he says to me. I know he doesn't want this ruining his wedding. I don't want my kids to be the cover story of Entertainment either.

I nod and pay attention to the kids who are sitting on the far side of the limo. They are watching some cartoon from the small screen attached to the seats. I have never been in a limo but it's a lot like the ones on movies.

"You okay? You seem uncomfortable," I am but I can't tell him that.

"I am fine," I say hoping he will believe me.

"I am glad you named her Violet like I had once told you I wanted my little girl to be named and Kyle for my little boy. They're amazing Scarlett, you are a great mom," I hadn't thought it twice when I named them. It was Violet and Kyle from the beginning.

"It wasn't easy been their mom and dad but I tried the best I could," I look from the window to see his eyes. They show the hurt from my words. It's the truth even if it hurts him.

"I will fore-"

"I know Jase. I just want you to stay this time and be their father. Love them and make up for those 2 years. That's all I want from you to be the father for our kids," I look back out the window and don't expect him to say more. But he does.

"I will be the father, the best I can be. Is that really all you want from me?" His question confuses me. Of course I want him, more than anything. But he's engaged. Engaged to someone else. He had never said he loved me. I can't let myself go there again. I won't be strong enough to go through another heartbreak.

"Yes Jase, that all I want. Nothing more," I lie.

Her words hurt but I deserve them. I deserve her to hate me. I am lucky she's even letting me see my kids.

"Daddy can we build a castle?" Vi says pointing at the sand on the beach. I nod and give her a kiss on her forehead.

"First let's go change," Scarlett says. I lead them into the house and show them around. I grab my shorts before I leave them in my room to change.

I look at the beach and think of the last time I was here with Scarlett. We were young but that day I realize how much she meant to me.

"We are ready daddy!" Kyle says. I turn and look at my kids. Kyle has on shark shorts and Violet has on a small blue bikini. I look at the tan legs beside Vi and make my way up to see the blue bikini again but on Scarlett. She looks stunning.

"Okay let's go," I say before Scarlett realizes how much her bikini affects me. If Vi and Kyle weren't around and she didn't hate me I would have grabbed her and told her how beautiful she looks.

"Wait our toys!" Kyle says and grabs Vi to get their toys back in the house. I look at Scarlett who is looking at the beach. Is she thinking about our last time here?

"It was one of the best days of my life, I realized you meant more to me then just a friend," I blurt out. I move closer to her and touch her bare shoulders. "All this time I haven't been able to touch anyone the way I touched you.. Two years and I still crave for your touch. I still remember your sweet smell."

I wrap my arms around her from behind and place a kiss on her neck. "I took girls home with me but I could never sleep with them. They would strip naked for me and expect me to get them in my bed but I never did. It was always you who I thought of. You were always on my mind. You marked me Scarlett. You made me fall for you, I have been in love with you for so long now I can't hold it back anymore. I am in love with you Scarlett Johnson and I want you like I have never wanted anything in my life."

She removes my hands from her waist and turns to look at me. She holds up a hand and slaps me.

"Don't you dare talk to me about been in love with me when your engaged to someone else," she moves around me and makes her way into the house. She had heard the fucking rumors and believed them. I can't let her think that.

I am about to walk in after her when the kids come out and she comes out behind them. I smile at them and take them to the beach. Scarlett isn't looking at me. I will need to talk to her later now I need to spend time with our kids.

"Daddy is it true you make the best pancakes in the world?" Kyle asks as he places sand in his small bucket. I look at Scarlett who is helping Vi. Knowing she told the kids about my pancakes makes me love her even more.

"I don't know kiddo, you can say for yourself when you try them," I wink at him and look at my two girls. "I'll be right back," I tell Kyle and run into the house. I grab the camera I have never used and run back to the beach. I turn it on and snap a picture of Scarlett and Violet. They both looked at me and smile when they see me taking a picture of them. I take another one. 

"Me too," Kyle yells and moves to sit with Vi and Scarlett. I take a couple of more shots with all three smiling. It's the best image.

"Do you guys want one with daddy?" Scarlett asks them and they nod.

"Go," she says taking the camera from me. I do as she says and hug my two kids. We give our cheesist smile as Scarlett takes a couple of shots. I move away and let her take some of just the twins.

"Now mommy and daddy together!" Vi says and takes the camera from her mom. I grab her waist and move her close to me.

"Just for our kids Jase," she says and looks at Vi holding the camera and smiles. The camera flashes but I can't look at it. I have to tell her she's wrong, the engagement is just rumors.

"I was never nor am I engaged to anyone, they're rumors. I haven't been able to be with anyone since you, I love you Scarlett. I have always and will always love you. I won't stop until the day I die."

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