Opening and a lesbian

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It wasn't long until Jase arrived yesterday from the meeting. As soon as we had dinner he took me to my room and did all kinds of naughty things to me. It's all surreal to me. After so many times thinking he didn't want me he had been craving to be inside me. I am more in love with Jase now then I was before.

We did more then make love yesterday. He made me discover things in me that I didn't know I was capable of.

I put on my jeans and a t-shirt with my boots before walking out the door. I make Jase wait for me in the car, if he had stayed we wouldn't have made it out of this apartment. We will be opening SCARLETT's today.

I am glad when we pull up to the restaurant because Jase's hand between my legs was driving me crazy the whole short ride. If I had worn a skirt or dress I am pretty sure I would have had an orgasm right in his truck. With him around my sex hormones have increased.

Jase opens the passenger door to his big truck and pulls me down, holding my ass a little too long then needed. There are people gathered around waiting for us to cut the ribbon.

"Finally y'all here," Kylie says pulling me in a hug. I haven't told her anything about me and Jase. I hadn't had the time.

"Sorry something very important came up," Jase tells her winking at me. We had stayed up late last night not getting enough of each other and taking a morning shower with him took twice the time. So we are kind of late to the opening.

"Thank you for coming," Jase says to the people who are crowded outside the doors. "I want a special lady to join me and cut the ribbon with me, Scarlett Johnson would you do me the honor?" I gladly take his hand.

They hand us a big scissor and we cut the ribbon together. Everyone cheers and walks in behind me and Jase.

"I am glad you are here with me," Jase whispers into my ear.

"Me too."

I go from one person to the next as they ask me questions about the restaurant. I glance over at Jase and see he is looking at me. I smile at him and turn my attention back to the table I am in.

"Sorry y'all but I needa borrow this lady," Kylie says taking my hand and walking me to the bathroom. When we get there she puts her hands on her hips and looks at me.

"What?" I ask not knowing why she has dragged me in here.

"Did you and Jase finally did it?" Is it that obvious? "You two have been sneaking glances at each other through this whole thing," I can't deny it so I nod.

"Omg finally!" Kylie squeals and gives me a tight hug. "Is he good in bed?"

"Yes he is," I blurt out. I can't help it.

"Mmm I bet he is, let's get your ass out there before he comes looking for you," we make our way out the bathroom.

I take a keep glance at the bar hoping to see Jase. My heart aches at the image before me. A pretty blonde has Jase all rapped on her and from the way I see he is enjoying it. I need to get out of here, I don't need this.

I pick up my purse and make my way outside. I don't want to go to my apartment so I make my way to the cementery. I pick up some daisy's and take them to my parents grave. My mom used to love daisy's.

"I finally admit it to myself and told him that I love him but I know he doesn't love me back. It hurts but I shouldn't have expected anything more. I am just his bestfriend. That's all I will ever be. I miss you guys. I need my mom to tell me that I'll find someone good for me someday and my dad to say he'll beat the crap out of any guy who hurts his little girl. I need my parents," I sob and let everything out. "Aunt Steph died. I have no family left. It's just me. I know I will have Jase but it still hurts."

I pick up the daisy's and lay them between their two graves. Over the years it has gotten easier to visit but it never hurt less to know they are gone for good. I wipe the tears off my face and get up to leave.

I drive by the nearest Chinese and decide to eat inside. I need to kill time. I look through my phone and see many missing calls from Jase, even Kylie called. She never calls me, just texts so I decide to call her back.

"You know you can't just walk out and not say anything to anyone," she starts.

"Hey to you too," I say sarcastically.

"Jase was freaking out! He went home and is probably in your apartment waiting for you to show up. Anyways you missed out on the amazing food. SCARLETT's is going to be a good business, so many people were there that the tables were all filled. Jase had to leave so he left some blond girl in charge," blond?

"Did he tell you who she was?" I am curious.

"Is that why you ran off?" I am about to hang up on her when she starts laughing.

"I don't see how this is funny."

"Well for starters the blond was his friend. Yes believe it or not Jase is just friends with a female. Second she's lesbian. I got her number," I feel a relief.

"Since when do you date females?"

"Scarlett honey I know you saw her. Anyone would go bi for her," I can't argue with her. The girl is like one of those Victoria Secret models.

"Okay well if that's all you called for I would like to get back to eating my Chinese food."

"Next time you need to drop some off at my place. Bye!"

"Bye," I say hanging up the phone.

It's midnight already and I have to start at the restaurant tomorrow. I head to my apartment thinking about what the heck I am going to tell Jase. 'I ran off because I was jealous of your leasbain friend?' No. Anyways I have no right to be jealous. He isn't my boyfriend.

"Scarlett," Jase says as soon as I walk in the door. He wraps his arms around me like he hasn't seen me in ages.

"I am fine Jase, just went to visit my parents grave," I say hoping to ease his worry. He pulls away and kisses me on my forehead.

"You should have told me baby, I could have went with you."

"Its fine. Plus you had your opening to take care of."

"Just next time tell me at least?" I nod and make my way to my room.

I can tell something is wrong with her but I don't want to push it. I follow her to her room and watch her strip from her clothes.

"Can I join you?" I ask hoping to lighten her mood. 

"I don't think it's a good idea, we have work tomorrow and if we're sleeping in the same bed naked we won't get much sleep," that's true.

"Fine baby, I'll keep my boxers on," I tease her wrapping my arms around her waist.

"As long as you keep your hands to yourself," she turns and places a kiss on my cheeks before taking her bra off and putting on a large shirt. Did she not expect me to get hard from watching her?

It isn't one of my shirts but she still looks good with her beautiful long legs showing. I strip into my boxers and lay on the bed with her.

"Goodnight baby," I say snuggling closer to her. She turns and looks up at me.

"Mmm Jase I can feel you," I am trying real hard to control myself but Scarlett turns me on easily.

"Sorry baby, I'll be right back," I make my way to the bathroom.

"Jase wait," Scarlett says behind me. I turn and she pulls off the large shirt and lets it fall to the floor. Fuck, she's making this so hard for me.

"Scarlett baby your making this harder," a smile tugs at her lips as she moves to her panties and takes them off.

"Come here Jase," I gladly go to her.

"Ah baby you are driving me crazy."

"I wanna help you Jase," she slides her hands in my boxers.

"Please do Scarlett," I beg her and she does.

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