Chapter 3

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Felicity was still sitting at the computer when Oliver returned an hour later. "Diggle not back yet?" He took a seat beside her.

Distracted by his nearness she fumbled with some notes she'd been making. "No." She couldn't think of anything else to add. Being around Oliver had a strange effect on her ability to behave normally. If truth be told, she preferred it when Diggle was around. He made it easier for her to concentrate by keeping Oliver's attention off her.

Felicity forced her tongue to separate from the roof of her mouth. "I've been doing what you asked and searching for names of people in Starling City who have known connections with Croft and the cartel. I've set up the search so that an automatic background check is done on the names that come up - we can then see how they intersect." She glanced at him and gave him a half smile. "It could take a while."

Oliver nodded and sat back. As he stretched his neck from side to side, Felicity couldn't help but notice how well his creamy sweater fit him. The soft wool looked warm and inviting, a fact she could attest to since her fingers were itching to touch it, or rather, him. She knotted them in an attempt to keep them to herself. "So, what will you do once you catch this guy? Go all, 'Grrr…stop killing more people or I'm going to arrow you?' Or just arrow him anyway?"

Oliver gave her a look that said, "Seriously?"

"Sorry," she pulled a face. "It's not like I know all the vigilante protocol."

"I don't hurt anyone unless they give me no choice. And even then, I choose to show a measure of restraint."

"Good vigilante." Great Felicity, why not pat him on the head while you're at it? Change the subject. "How did business go upstairs?"

"Alright. All things considered." He sounded weary.


"I don't even know why I was there. He never looked at me once. In fact, he barely acknowledged me. How are we supposed to be business partners if we can't communicate?" He muttered in frustration, leaning his head back and closing his eyes.

Felicity couldn't help but notice the fine sandy blonde of his lashes as they rested against his cheek bones. "Give him some time. It's not an easy thing to accept."

As quickly as they had closed, his eyes shot back open and met hers. Blue stared into blue. "You did," he said softly.

Felicity was the first to break contact. There was a peculiar tightness in her chest that resulted in a shortness of breath. "I-I didn't know you before … you know ... before you disappeared. What I know about you now is what I've learnt over a relatively short period of time. There isn't a history. Tommy is remembering your history, your friendship, and he needs time to figure out for himself why you didn't tell him before. When he's ready, he will come to you."

Oliver didn't say anything for a moment. "How can you be sure?"

"Because you're his best friend. One day soon he's going to remember that."

Oliver laughed humourlessly. "And if he never does?"

"Then you'll know that he's not the friend you thought he was," she said simply.

"Tommy and I go way back. We knew each other since childhood. After his father left, my dad became like his surrogate. We were inseparable. Then one day, we were torn apart." Oliver seemed to be lost in thought. "My dad died and I went missing at sea and my life changed forever. I hurt him by not telling him the truth. I don't know if he'll ever accept my reasons."

Felicity reached across the table and laid her hand gently over his. "He'll come around, Oliver."

He was smelling her perfume again. Its sweet, intoxicating fragrance seemed to wrap around him, just as her words had moments before. It had been a long time since he was able to be completely honest with someone about his feelings without holding anything back. The fact that Felicity was as insightful as she was kind seemed to make opening up a little easier.

Feeling slightly awkward with her compassionate eyes trained on him, Oliver felt the heat from her hand as it enveloped his. Touch. It felt like a lifetime since he'd been touched. Not in jest, or in anger, or in a moment of sexual gratification, but really touched. With no agenda other than to provide comfort and support.

Oliver looked down at her small hand on his, smooth and milky white against his darker, roughened one. Her nails were an electric blue, matching her sweater almost perfectly. Why he even noticed it, he didn't know.

His stomach did a strange flip. The sincere gesture was doing things to his emotions that he didn't want to deal with. Abruptly, he pulled his hand away. As he did so, he looked up and saw the flash of hurt in her eyes. He cursed softly. "Felic-"

Ignoring him, she rambled. "Like I said, he'll forgive you. Members of the Billionaire's Club always stick together, right?"


Sharply, she turned her attention to the computer. "The search is done." Tapping the keyboard swiftly she called up sheets of information.

"Felicity, I didn't mean-"

She didn't stop talking and refused to look at him, her cheeks bright. "Just another moment. There may not be anything here…you know, or I might need to adjust the search…o-or I could try a different database, if you like?" She didn't give him a chance to respond, she just kept on babbling. "Although I like this one. It has the most reliable inform- ..Whoa!" Felicity hopped back in her chair.

Concerned, Oliver leaned closer. "What is it?"

"One name popped up. Only one name that connects to both parties," Felicity whispered, finally meeting his gaze.

Oliver looked at her expectantly, feeling disconcerted by the stunned look in her eyes.

Suddenly the door crashed open and Diggle burst in. He was out of breath, as though he'd run some distance. His tie was askew and the top three buttons of his shirt were ripped off. There were bits of dried blood around his left temple.

"Are you alright?" Felicity and Oliver both jumped up.

Diggle looked up at them from his hunched over position. "I'm okay. The Lexus? Not so much."

Oliver stepped forward. "What happened?"

"I was with the Russians when we were attacked by a group I didn't recognise. They stole the car and left me with no choice but to make a run for it. Luckily I got away." His breathing was returning to normal.

Oliver placed his hand on Diggle's shoulder. "Do you think this attack is related to the murder?"

He shook his head. "No. I'm sure it was a matter of wrong place, wrong time." Diggle stood up straight. "Oliver, you won't believe who they suspect is behind the killing. I don't even know how to tell you."

"I think I already know what you're going to say," Felicity said nervously.

Diggle and Oliver turned to stare at her.

"Well?" Oliver demanded.

Felicity lips moved but no sound came out. She took a fortifying breath and then stared Oliver straight in the eyes. "Malcolm Merlyn."

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