Ch 82: Wide Eyed and Terrified.

Start from the beginning

The king peered at me, "You do not seem as concerned as I had thought you would be, she seemed precious to you."

"I know my pet, she is a smart strong girl, I am worried but I know she will fare well."

He sneered, "I'm sure you do. But it seems odd does it not? that she disappears after I begin investigating you?"

"I haven't even thought about that ridiculous accusation against me."

"So you had no reason to get rid of your own pet?"

"I would not do such a thing to her."

He nodded, "I am aware, you probably couldn't even bring yourself to stop the damn girls heart once she's no longer the perfect little pet and beginning to age."

"I will do what I believe is necessary."

"I see..and having sex with a pet is necessary to you?"

I grit my teeth, "I told you-"

He slapped a folder on the table between us at the same moment two guards stormed in, the doctor in arms, "Found the bastard roaming around near the kitchen!"

I froze eyes glancing between the photo of a topless Calla straddling me with her lips firmly planted on my own and the bloodied doctor being held by the guards.



The king watched me as I contemplated what to do, finally gesturing to me "seize him."

I ran. 

Straight through the  halls and into a secret passageway I knew would lead me to the room where Calla lie.

Bursting through the passage to find both my brother and his lover staring at me in shock.

I rushed to Callas side, "the doctor was captured and the father knows I have been sleeping with Calla."

Both of their jaws dropped.

I shook calla lightly, not really knowing what I was doing, "C'mon baby-"

There was a loud crash from somewhere in the castle, my father no doubtably began destroying the secret passages in an attempt to hinder my escape, he finally had a way to kill me, finally had proof of my breaking the law.

Aldric cursed under his breath, "Brother, I will try and distract father and destroy whatever evidence I can find. You and Donavan try and wake her up."

I shook my head, "I will stay with her alone, if we get caught I won't let him take the fall with me. Calla will understand."

Donavan began to protest but my brother understood what I wanted.

He had helped me and I wanted to return the favor.

I watched the two go for a moment before returning my attention to the blonde on the table. I gently pulled whatever wires and tubes the doctor had inserted from her pale flesh praying I didn't ruin everything, it was the last day, she is supposed to-"

He body began to shake and she let out an ear shattering heartbreaking scream.

I pulled the rest of the tubes out and cradled a whimpering Calla to myself, "shh baby its me, Kaden."


"Yeah baby  its me."

A high pitched whine escaped her lips, "it hurts!"

I brushed her hair from her face, "what hurts baby? tell me where it hurts."

She clutched her stomach, Eyes turning on me, wide and blue as ever.

I was momentarily taken aback and then thrown into a state of shock as her eyes flashed red.

I didn't have time to question it, I shook myself out of my shock and watched as she let out another whine and tiny little fangs grew longer.

She sank her fangs into my arm the same time Donavan burst through the door, "Plane..outside...go!" he was gone before I could thank him

I gently pried Calla away from my arm ignoring the wave of pleasure that came with her taking my blood as she pawed at me, confused and delirious. Standing form my feet I reached for her, "Come my love lets go home."

She looked to open door when Donavan had been standing just as three guards came rushing in.

She grasped my had, wide eyed and terrified.

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