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Tomorrow and Thursday, I will be extremely inactive, to the point where I'm not online at all.

I will be at a choir camp all day, both days; so, naturally, that means no internet- interact with the people in front of you, not virtually in front of you.

And I don't want to make it seem like I'm dreading this or anything- I'm very excited! I'll get to see some classmates and friends I haven't seen since last school year, some since a year (they're a grade above me). I just don't like being around a bunch of people at once because I get very anxious and shut down a bit. But I guess that might not happen as much because choir is like a second home for me, and I always seem to feel comfortable around those acquaintances. Plus my boyfriend will be there, so that'll give me a bit of a boost.

Anywho, I want to wish everyone a wonderful Wednesday and thrilling Thursday-- see y'all Friday!

Thanks for reading, and have a nice day. (\•u•~

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