Dance without you -Skylar Grey

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(Play the song!)

Simons pov-

I'm so sick of it. I'm mentally and physically tired from listening to so many people tell me how to live.

They tell me to change how I act, how I talk, what I do. Everyone tells me to stop being me and I can't listen to it anymore.

I grab my keys from the hook by the door to my flat and head down to my car. I can't really go anywhere besides a club since it us about two in the morning. My chest hurts as the words reel through my mind of how much I should change.

I take a stuttered breath and then a normal one. My phone buzzes, alerting me of yet ANOTHER negative comment.

I debate reading it and my instinct is to but I go against that feeling. I can't do this to myself anymore tonight. I take my phone and turn it off, leaving it in the center console of my car.

I park and allow my hand to glide down the side of my car as I walk down the pavement to the entrance if the club.

I'm greeted by the smell of alcohol and sweat from the dancing drunk bodies that surround me. Party music blares through the speakers in the building, the bass shaking the glass located through out the place.

I take a seat at a bar stool and a bartender makes his way beside me.

"ROUGH DAY?!" He shouts to me over the music and I nod.

"ROUGH FEW MONTHS ACTUALLY!" I reply back to the bartender. The bartender nodded then walked off, only to return with a large glass of scotch. I smiled a thank you before downing a few gulps. The burning liquid ran down my throat and it made me feel a little looser, a little lighter even. I finish this glass then down one more before I get just enough buzz to have fun.

I sit watching the unfamiliar people party and have fun around me until a pretty good looking girl walks up and takes the bar stool next to me.

"YOU OKAY? YOU SEEM KINDA DOWN!" She shouts to me.

"I KINDA AM!" I reply back before thinking. I think some about if I should tell her or not but decide that I can because odds are I will never see her again. "I NEED TO GET SOME STUFF OF MY MIND AND HAVE SOME FUN! THIS IS THE BEST WAY I COULD THINK OF AT ONE A.M.!"

The girl nodds before taking my hand and leading me to the dance floor. She didn't seem to be as flirty or slutty as she did fun. The girl danced with me in a non-sexual way, but it was still fun.

This was the first time I could let loose and have genuine fun in months. I feel like I can finally breathe, let go, and I loved it. I was having fun, I was happy.

I partied for as long as I could, cherishing every moment I had in the dance floor with a bunch if strangers just dancing around like idiots. For once I was free and even though I knew it couldn't last forever, I was okay with that, I was more great full for the small moment if happiness even if it ment more pain in the future.

Hey guys! It's B, hoped you liked it, later lovelies

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