Lost Boy - Ruth B

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My town has never really accepted me. The people in it thought I was a joke because I stayed in my room, but then again, it wasn't like I had a choice. My parents were embarrassed of me, they wanted a girl instead which they got, but only after they had me.

I've never really had people to talk to, so I would just sit in the windowsill and whisper my thoughts outloud. Sometimes I would pretend that the moon was listening and that one day it would respond. The whole thing was stupid I know, but it helped.

"WE'RE GOING OUT! KEEP IT DOWN WHILE WE'RE GONE!" I heard my mother shout and then a series of footsteps rapidly make their way out the door. A slam rang through the house and I watched the 'family' car drive down the road and disappear out if sight.

I assumed the usual position of me writing and sitting on the roof top. The sunlight was dropping fast, but the light never seemed to dim around me so I could see my writing clearly.

My pen on the page made me feel safe and at home.

"Why are you all alone?" A voice said from behind me, making me jump and nearly drop my journal.

"I, uh, how did you get up here?" I asked the shadow that seemed to be holding onto a tree branch near me. I scooted away slightly and pressed my back against another part of the roof.

"I have my ways." The voice replied cockily but, also sounding joyful. "I'm Jerome."

I couldn't find any words to say. The person stepped from the shadow with a sweet smile on his face. He looked like any other guy except for a slightly large nose and his skin and eyes seemed to gleam in the pale like of a Cresent moon.

"I- I'm M-Mitch." I stutter. His smile fades to a slight smirk but his eyes still shone with delight.

"Can we talk for a while? I'm bored and there's no one else about." Jerome said and I nodded my head. His smile returned as he took his place beside me. I felt a blush creep up on my face as his hand brushed mine.

"Why are you all alone?" He reiterate his question.

I sighed a breath as if to calm myself then answered "I have no choice."

Jerome gave a slight chuckle then retorted with "Of course you have a choice! Everyone has a choice."

Tears pricked my eyes but I held them back. "But I don't. My parents think of me as a disgrace and the town things of me as a waste of space. So, I don't have anyone to be around."

Jeromes face flashed pain and shock for a moment before his smile once again returned.

"Well- Well if your not welcome here, why don't you come with me? Everyone there loves everyone, you'll be happy." Jerome replied, hope now visible in every aspect of his appearance.

I thought for a moment, the option racking my brain. I have nothing here for me, no one would care if I left or if I stayed. I didn't want to stay, but I was afraid to leave. I would be running off with a boy I had just met but I would be free from the ridicule I've grown up with.

I ponder the thought a moment more before quickly making up my mind.

"Okay." I say, suprised that I didn't stutter. Jerome leaped up, not questioning the decision.

"Alright! The only thing you need to do is take my hand and believe okay?" Jerome instructed. I didn't understand, why did I need to believe? What did I need to believe?

"Jerome? Believe in what?" I question, confusion written on my face.

"Well biggums-"

"Biggums?" I interupt.

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