I fought the urge to roll my eyes at him, 'of course I understood, I wasn't a four year old.'

                Scooter burst out laughing, "Stop acting like it then." He laughed harder at my confused face. What the hell was going on? He definitely can't read minds. "You were shot with this chemical thing called thiopental sodium, which relaxes your mind, which therefore leads you to tell the thruth and not being able to be fully aware of what you're saying."

                "But that's unfair! Its got to be illegal!" I vaguely heard myself say. I hated this stupid shot, Scooter could get anything out of me and I wouldn't even be able to stop it.

                Scooter tapped his foot impatiently, I wasn't sure if I was speaking my thoughts aloud. I hope to God he can't hear all of this... "Unfortunately, I can, now shut up." Scooter shot me another annoyed look as the word 'rude' popped into mind. "Why were you and Justin running away for firstly?"

                "You control everything he does, you stopped him from being friends with me. He hates his life in the spotlight and doesn't want this anymore. Because we were reunited, he asked me to runaway with him, and because I have always loved him... I agreed." The words slipped from my mouth, I wasn't aware of what I said until I had said them.

                Scooter nodded slowly, "and where you running away to? What were the plans?

                This I panicked, not that there was much to hide but a great idea popped into my head. Clearly in my head, I sung the most catchiest song that Beliebers would have stuck in their heads for the rest of their lives.




                "Okay! Shut the fuc-



                "For fu*cks sake, someone get me out of here! I can't talk to her when she's screaming lyrics at me!" Knowing he was desperate to get out made me laugh, was my singing that dreadful? Yep.



                By this time, Scooter had gone out of the cell, the doors had been locked and the shutters had been shut... leaving my room soundproof. I sighed, my throat aching from the screaming yesterday and the singing then. Tip to anyone out there who gets drugged with a truth serum; sing the catchiest song you know just to piss people off. You're not lying, just not answering the question. I know if baby hadn't suddenly sprung up in my mind, I know I would of just spilled all of mine and Justin's plans. But at the moment, I needed to make my own plan.

To escape with Justin... wherever he was.

---24 Hours Later---

                I awoke to sounds of the locks being opened, and I couldn't help the little groan that escaped my lips. I had only just gotten to sleep, the fact that these stupid lights never went off, I didn't know if it was day or night, and when I did shut my eyes I couldn't sleep because it was too bright. The door swung open, and in came Scooter to my bitter disappointment. No Justin in silver armour coming to save the damsel in distress... its more like the other way around, although in the past day or so, I had got no good enough plans, except for the one I came up with where I give up and die alone in this white cell.

                Scooter walked towards me, and I sat up lazily, all I wanted in the world right now was to be back home, snuggled under my covers with my mum making breakfast. At that thought, my stomach growled, I hadn't eaten in ages... The last time I had was a burger from McDonald's when we just got into England, but thankfully a man had come in a grand total of two times with a bottle of water. Whom I had begged to let me out, but he barely battered his eyelashes at me. 

                "Okay, so I guess I'm handling this situation wrongly. Let me try another tactic." Scooter began, leaning against one of the white walls, looking down at me where I was just curled up borderline asleep. "Its been twenty four hours since I saw you last, so the chemical shot we gave you to tell the truth should of worn off. To prove it, answer this question incorrectly... Is your name really Charlotte Brooks?"

                "No." I lied easily, happy that he wasn't lying and the shot had indeed worn off.

                Scooter stood still, his face masked so not showing any emotion, he scared me, and he knew it. "I'm guessing you have lots of questions you want to ask, so shoot." He muttered bitterly. Did I hear him correctly? Tons of questions shot through my head but I chose the most important.

                "Is Justin okay? Where is he?" I asked immediately.

                Scooter looked miffed. "He's fine." he replied curtly.

                "And where is he?" I said in the politest way I could, I didn't want to make him angry and than for Scooter not to answer my question. If I could just know where he is, I might just be able to escape with him...

                "Did you really think I was going to tell you that one? C'mon you can't be that stupid." He said shaking his head, while I bit my tongue to stop myself from shouting abuse at him. "Look, I came down here to offer you a deal."

               A deal? What good could come out of one of Scooter's deals? They were only going to benefit himself, but did I honestly have any other choice? I may as well hear him out.

                "Basically, I'm going to offer you money, and you and Justin are going to stay away from each other. You'll go back to your pathetic life, and Justin will carry on making me and himself money." He paused. Was he crazy? I couldn't agree to this. Justin's life would carry on being hell and not what he wants, and Scooter thinks he can just buy me out of love? "If you accept this money, you'll be able to walk free. You and your mother can buy a house, I know you've been staying with Justin because you can't afford the one you were living in."

                "What do you mean can't afford the one we were living in? Mom said she was moving to be closer to business..." I said quietly.

                Scooter's eyebrows raised and looked down at me. "She lied."

                This changed everything. My own mom didn't tell me we had money problems. I felt guilty immediately, I remembered my car Daisy, my spotted laptop and all my clothes. I was eighteen, I was an adult. I've taken so much off my mother, and she didn't want me to feel guilty so she didn't tell me why we had to move? Was it actually because she wanted to cheer me up and to make up with Justin or was it just the money problems alone that made her move? I felt empty, I felt I had no choice.

                "How much?" I whispered, angry with myself for what I was thinking.

                "Five hundred thousand dollars." Scooter said smugly.

                I felt defeated.


thanks for reading, could you just click the vote button to your right...? Would make my day:)

Please leave your comments on what you think... & please dont kill me. 

&er yeah, what do you think she'll do? Accept the money? I've got a little twist in a couple chaters.

Only You Shawty. A Justin Bieber Romance.Where stories live. Discover now