Chapter 5

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Today was tryouts and you know what that means.

Public humiliation.

It's not that I was bad, it was that no one really likes me, so my awkwardness will screw me up. On top of the fact that I feel as if everyone was staring at me, I also had to deal with Alysha being there. Which sounds like I'm complaining but really I'm just scared. If I had one wish it would be to have self confidence. I want that "I dont give a fuck about anything. I'm here to eat food and kick ass." But instead I'm stuck with "food is such a valuable thing I'll let other people eat it so they dont think I'm a pig who eats everything." And it's tough sometimes. I got into my gym uniform and walked towards the gym where they were.

"Okay headcount. If you hear your name, say 'here'." Miss Jardine said, and Miss McDougall held up the paper to read it.

"Erin Aschow.
"Jess Rose
"Alysha Nett
"Hayley Williams
"Alex Dorame
"Shannon Taylor..." she read. It felt like forever but eventually she said "Danielle Perry" Which I replied to with "here".

"She doesn't even go here." Alex said. Shannon laughed and high fived her. I swear they were like Jack and Alex. McDougall glared at her and she stopped.

"Alright. I'm Coach Jardine, and Coach McDougall and I will place you on the team based off of how well you do in serving, spiking, setting, and all that jazz. Pair up!" She yelled. I was startled by her booming voice she suddenly had. Everyone paired up and Erin avoided me at all costs. Alysha with Jess, Erin and Hayley, Alex and Shannon. I sighed and looked around. Then I saw another girl sitting there alone. I went up to her.

"Do you have a partner?" I asked. She looked at me and shook her head.

"No but I would if guys were allowed to join. I'd make Jeydon join. I'm Samm, by the way." She said. I nodded.

"Want to be my partner?" I asked. She smiled and stood up.

"Okay. If you want to be on the Strikers, you need to show strength and confidence. Don't be afraid of the ball. It wont hurt you. Much." McDougall said, tossing balls to us. "Start serving to each other and try to rally it back and forth."

I picked up a ball and served it to her. It went well. The whole tryout went well.

The next day, it was hard to walk in the doors of the school because everyone was crowded around the board that posted who got on the team. Alysha and Jess pushed their way through the mosh pit of students, smiling. They high fived each other, and Alysha walked over to me.

"Hey, Red. Is it okay if I call you that?" She asked. I made no movements. "Okay I'll take that as a yes. Did you get on the team? I didnt see any name besides my own." She said. I shrugged. "Well go check then, silly!" She said, walking away with Jess, Erin following behind. I stood back until everyone else left, then I walked up to the board.

"#31 Danielle Perry" I stared at it, not believing that I got on.

"Congratulations." I heard a guy say. I turned around and saw Mike giving Alysha a piggy back ride. My heart twitched but I sighed.

"Thank you." I said quietly.

"Perk up, babe. You got on the team! And I'll be honest, I'm looking forward to it." She said. I jumped on the inside when she called me babe but I realized she calls everyone that. Mike turned around and I felt something kick my buttocks and it was Alysha's strappy sandal'd foot. She laughed and told him to hurry up.

"I made it." I said. I repeated that in my head, but every time I said it, the more I thought about it, and the more worried I became.

This was a disaster in progress.

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