Good Enough 2/2

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After failing of breaking down the door you fell asleep. You then felt something rubbing against your face. Once you opened your eyes you saw Dark Leo rubbing his hand on your cheek.
"Get away from me!" You yelled trying to kicked him away. You was about to do it the second time, but he caught your ankle. He then pinned you down against the ground.
"Enough!" You looked into his eyes and saw the loving look in them.
"Let me go!" You yelled. As you tried to get your foot away from him you got your arms free and started to punch Dark Leo.
"I said enough." He grabbed your arms and pinned you on the ground as well. He then saw your ring on your left hand. He slipped it off your finger and looked at it.
"Give it back!" You was trying to get up but he refuse. Dark Leo looked at the ring. His gripped his teeth and squeezed her arm more.
"He gave this to you?" You looked at him confused.
"Who are yo-"
"Don't play dum! My "better" half! He gave this to you! Didn't he?!" He yelled. You nod your head. He looked at the ring again and saw something inside.
"You have my heart." It read. "Do you love him?" The question threw you off.
"Why should I answer you? Why should you care?"
"Because, just like my weak half, I love you." You eyes widen. "And," He then looked at you, and bought his face closer to yours, "I will have you." He kissed you. On instinct you fought back. He stuck his nasty tongue in your mouth, and you bit his tongue. He yelped and slapped you across your face. He got off of you.
"I don't see why you love my weak half, but it doesn't matter now." He tossed you your ring back. "I'll make sure you'll never see him again." He turned him back on you but you refuse to let him leave until you gave your thought.
"I love him because I know he wouldn't hurt me, or turn into the monster that you are!" He turned back to you and began to choke you. You was close to be not breathing, but Dark Leo let you go.
"What! I'm not good enough for you! Because I was made from your friends! Huh?!" You didn't answer. You was trying to catch your breath.
"Doesn't matter, your just going to have to learn how to love this monster." He left out the room leaving you trying to catch your breath crying. You then looked at the ring. It did said "you have my heart". You placed it back on your finger.
"You have mine too, Leo." That was the last thing you said falling to the ground exshausted.
You felt something over your arms, trying to pick you up. No matter how gentle it was your arms hurt. You groan softly, but whoever grabbed you shushed you. When you opened to see the person you loved the most, or you should say turtle.
"Leo?" You whispered.
"Yeah, it's me [Name]. We're here to rescue you. The others went to fight off the Bad turtles while I look for you. Now let's take you home." He grabbed your hand and dragged you out of the room where the fight was happening.
"Leo's back with [Name]. Let's go!" Everyone ran out behind Cody.
"No!" You heard Dark Leo yelled. You turned around and saw Dark Leo behind you. He threw one of his swords at Leo.
"Leo! Look out!" You pushed Leo out the way, but got stabbed instead.
"[Name]!" You fell on your knees and pulled the sword out. Leo came up next you and helped you applied pressure on the messy wound. Soon the gang got you in the Hoovershell.
"Hang in there [Name]. Well get you some help." You was trying to hold yourself to conscious, but you knew it wouldn't last for long.
Leo's POV
I placed [Name] on my lap, were her head was on joy shoulder, holding her close.
"Please hang on a little longer. Please." I whispered in her ear. I saw her blood covered hand reached for mine.
"L-Leo... I can't... can't breath." She having a hard time breathing. I placed my lips on hers a helped but some air in her lungs. I enjoyed her lips being on mine, and she looked as if she was enjoying it to, but now wasn't the time. Once I placed enough air in her lungs I looked into her [E/C] eyes and saw the love that was covering the pain.
"You have my heart, too." She breathe out before her body went limp. Once I felt [Name] limp in my arms I panicked. I touch her neck to feel a pulse. It was dangerously low.
"We need to get her help! NOW!"
"We almost to the nearest hospital." Cody said. I looked down at [Name]'s limped body. Did she just confessed her love... too me? I wanted to know, but as much as I did, I wanted [Name] to be okay after this. When we got to the hospital several doctors and nurse took [Name] out of my arms and onto a stretcher. I wanted to go with them, but I was told to stay in the waiting room with everyone. All I could do was just watch as they push [Name] away.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~3 hours later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
We was still waiting to hear any news about [Name] but nothing. Cody went to see what her progress was.
"If [Name] dies here what will make of the past?" Mikey asked.
"She not going to die, lug head." Raph whacked Mikey aside the head. He yelped and rubbed his head.
"I was just asking a question."
"Well [Name] won't exist in the past if she dies now." Donnie said.
"Would you two stop talking about her being dead!"
"Enough my son's. [Name] is a strong girl. She will make it. Besides your making your brother worry even more." Master Splinter said.
"S-Sensai?!" Master Splinter then chuckled.
"Guys!" Cody ran up to us.
"What?! What is it?! Is [Name] alright?"
"Relax Leo. [Name] is fine. The doctors said that we can see her now." And with that we went to [Name]'s hospital room.
Normal POV
Your eyes fluttered open to see that you were in a large hospital room. You sat up slowly sat up, and lifted up the grey shirt to see your bandage stomach. As your hand glided across it you saw the cleaned ring, since it was covered in blood, and remembered that you confessed to Leo.
'Thinking of him, where is he and the guys.' On cue the guys walked in.
"[Name]!" They said with happy tone.
"H-Hey guys." Your throat was dry. Mikey pushed everyone out the way to give you a hug, but Raph stopped him before he did.
"She injured remember."
"Oh, yeah." You shook your head. Splinter than appeared at your side.
"How are you feeling?"
"I'm just sore, Sensai." He nodded his head. You sighed deeply.
"Happy late anniversary." Everyone saw the sad look on your face.
"Eh, don't sweat it squirt." Raph rubbed your head, making you giggle.
"Okay, but we're still going to celebrate it right?"
"Well duh," Mikey jumped in. "We already have the whole thing planned out. Comedy and horror movie marathon and all the junk food you can eat!"
"Yeah!" You shouted, but regret it when your stomach ached.
"Take it easy, [Name]." Donnie said.
"Yeah! Yeah! I know!"
"Well, I'm going to get [Name] some food. Anyone want to come?" Cody asked. Splinter, Raph, Donnie, and Mikey followed him, as they left you and Leo alone. He sat next to you on the bed.
"Are you sure your feeling okay?"
"Yes, Leo. I am."
"That good. You got me worried about ya."
"Well sorry. It's not like I get kidnapped everyday."
"Your right. It's every other day." He joked. You both laughed, but it soon went to awkward silence. You began to twiddle with your ring.
"Did they do anything to you?" He asked. You bit your lip.
'Should I tell him?' Leo knew something was wrong.
"Dark Leo... he came on to me. He kissed me and said he loved me." Leo looked mad.
"Other than that?"
"That was it." Leo than gave you comfort hug.
"At least your safe. That's what matters to me now." You hugged him back. You hugged what seems like hours only was minutes.
"Did you mean it?" You asked. Leo looked at you confused. He though you was talking about your safety, but then you then showed him the ring. His face lit up red.
"Y-Yes... did you?" You already knew what he meant. You already confessed in the Hoovershell when you was in on the bridge of death.
"Yes. I love you, Leo." Leo smiled. He grabbed the side of your face and pulled you in a small sweet passionate kiss.
"I love you too, [Name]."
"GET SOME LEO!" You heard his brothers cheering outside the room window.
"Do you mind!" Leo said looking embarrassed. His brothers left laughing. You also laughed and kissed his cheek.
"You look cute when your embarrassed. I should ask your brothers to do it more often."
"[N-Name]." You laughed a little harder. It made your stomach hurt, but it was worth it.
"So... you know when we go back to our time we can't walk around freely like we do now? I can't do things a normal human can?"
"I know, but your good enough for me. Human or not I still love you." You kissed his nose and saw him blush once.
"I'm starting to like seeing you blush."
"[Name]!" You giggled once again.

Sorry it took to long. Hope you like this two-shot.

Good Enough (Leo x Reader x [One-Sided] Dark Leo)Where stories live. Discover now