Chapter 15: Christmas with the Avengers part 1

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It's my favorite time of the year. Christmas!!!!!! I finally get to spend Christmas with people that are my family. I was putting the the gifts that I got for everyone under the tree when k felt arms wrap around my waist.

"Whatcha doing?" Peter asked

"Putting the gifts that I got for everyone under the tree." I said

"Look up." He said and I did. There it was a mistletoe. I smirked at him because I knew exactly what he was doing. I kissed him but it soon escalated to a make out session. We broke apart for air and I smiled.

"We'll finish this later." He said and I nodded.

"So what is your Aunt May doing for Christmas this year?" I asked

"Nothing really." He said

"Well she should spend Christmas with us." I said

"Ok I'll call her." He said

"Put her on speaker." I said and he nodded. The phone rang 3 times before Aunt May picked up.

"Hello Peter how are you?" She asked

"I'm doing good I'm here with Caroline." He said

"Hi Aunt May." I said

"Hey Caroline how are you?" She asked

"I'm doing good I was wondering if you wanted to spend Christmas with us?" I asked

"Oh no I couldn't intrude." She began.

"No I insist I'll just go and ask Tony." I said and ran out of the room. I found Tony playing with his suits and blasting music. I turned down the music and he turned to me.

"Hey!" He yelled.

"Sorry Tony but can Peter's Aunt May spend Christmas with us?" I asked

"Sure tell her to come by Stark Tower tomorrow." He said

"Thank you." I said and ran back to where Peter was.

"What did he say?" He asked

"He said sure and to come by Stark Tower tomorrow." I said

"Ok see you kids tomorrow." She said

"Bye Aunt May." We said and she hung up. I smirked at him and he laughed.

"What's with the smirk?" He asked

"I don't know." I said and he laughed. He looked into my eyes and just stared at me.

"What?" I asked

"Nothing you just look beautiful." He said

"If I could blush right now I would be blushing so hard." I said and he laughed.

"What time is it?" I asked

"It's only 9 o'clock at night." He said and I nodded.

"We should go to bed I'm tired." I said

"Oh yeah we will go to "bed"" He said and got what he meant.

"Then come on let's go." I said and grabbed his hand. Let's just say that night we had a lot of fun.

Christmas Eve morning

"Peter it's Christmas Eve." I said and he smiled.

"Yeah it is." He said

"What time is Aunt May coming?" I asked

"12 o'clock and she's staying until tomorrow night." He said and I nodded.

"We should tell the rest of the team what's going on." I said and he nodded.

"Let's go find them then." He said and we started looking for them. It wasn't hard looking for them because they were all in the kitchen.

"Hey guys. Peter and I need to tell you something." I said and that got their attention.

"Ok what's up?" Nat said

"Well my Aunt May is spending Christmas with us because she has no one to spend it with. Ever since my Uncle Ben died she has no one except me." He said and he was about to cry. I rubbed his back.

"I'm sorry." He said

"It's ok Peter." I said

"It was all my fault." He said

"No it wasn't Peter." I said

"Yes it was if only I hadn't stormed out of he house the he would still be alive." He said and cried harder.

"Peter it's not your fault. It was the person who shot is to blame." I said with my voice cracking. His face softened and he hugged me. We both just stood there and cried.

"Peter your shaking." I said

"I know I'm sorry for the break down guys." Peter said

"It's ok." Steve said

"I would break down too." Clint said

"Can we got back to our room please?" Peter whispered and I nodded. We went into our room and when I closed the door I turned to face him.

"What time is it?" He asked

"8:30." I said and he laid down on the bed.

"Come and lay down with me." He said and I nodded and crawled into bed. He wrapped his arms spring my waist and put his head on my shoulder. We just laid there holding each other.

"I love you Peter." I said

"I love you too." He said

"I'll set my alarm for 10 o'clock." I said and he nodded. I kissed his forehead before we fell asleep.

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