Chapter 8: The decision

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The rest of the week went by to fast. Now Zack is coming over to hear my decision. All of the avengers are sitting in the living room waiting for Zack with me. I was really nervous and I was walking back and forth.

"Stop doing that it's giving me a headache." Tony said

"Sorry." I mumbled and sat down. I heard him go into the elevator down stairs.

"He's here I can hear him." I said and they nodded. He walked into the room two minutes later.

"Hello Caroline and the Avengers." He said

"I'm have made my decision." I said

"And?" He asked

"I'm staying here with them." I said

"Why?" He said getting angry.

"Because they are my family and I can't leave them." I said

"But most of them are going to be dead in a few decades what are you going to do then?" He asked

"I'll cross that road when I get there." I said

"Fine then stay with these pathetic humans." He said

"HEY!" I yelled and he turned around

"They are not pathetic. They actually save the world from bad people and they protect each other and other people. So don't you dare say that there pathetic because they are the nicest people I have ever met. So I suggest you get yourself out of here before I make you." I said

"Fine then but once their all dead don't come crying to me." He said and left. I turned around and all the avengers were smiling at me.

"That. Was. Amazing." Nat said

"Thanks." I said. I felt moms presence so I excused myself. I went to my room and closed the door and locked it.

"Hey momma." I said with a smile

"Hey baby girl I'm so proud of you." She said

"Thank you how's dad?" I asked

"He's good he's actually here can you feel his presence?" She asked and I nodded.

"Hey dad." I said

"Hey how's my daughter doing?" He asked

"I'm doing good I joined the Avengers and using my powers that I have for good." I said

"That's good sweetheart." He said

"So how's the afterlife?" I asked

"It's ok I mean we are all with the people we love." Mom said and I smiled. I heard a knock at my door.

"Caroline who are you talking to?" I realized that it was Bruce.

"No one I'm just talking to myself." I said

"Really because I could have sworn you were talking to someone." He said

"I have to go bye mom bye dad." I said

"Hey honey." They said and left. I ran to my door and unlocked it. I pulled Bruce by the collar locked he door behind me.

"How much did got hear?" I asked

"All of it." He said

"Ok here's the thing that was the ghosts of my mom and dad." I said and he was shocked

"Yes I can see and communicate with them." I said

"Cool." He said

"You can't tell anyone ok." I said

"I won't tell anyone." He said and left my room.

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