Sitting at his desk, Harry quickly penned notes to Ron and Hermione, going into more detail about what had happened at the beginning of the summer, though in very vague terms, and he informed them of where he was now living. He asked them if they could come visit in a few days, mentioning the Quidditch pitch and library, respectively.

The easiest letters done, Harry began to compose a note to Ginny next. His letters to her had been more frequent than to Ron and Hermione, and he had told her a lot about what had happened over the last few years. She was as angry as him about his godfather's lack of trial, and couldn't wait to meet the man in person. He hesitated, unsure of what to say, and then just started writing. Like usual, the words just came.

Dear Ginny,

I know I promised you I wouldn't keep anything secret, but things have just been happening so quickly, I haven't really had time to think about it.

I'm completely safe now, so you can stop worrying. Aunt Minerva kept her promise, and she's now my official guardian. We're trying to keep it secret, so please don't tell anyone. I'll tell Ron and Hermione, but other than that, we just don't want the press to get involved. And since I'm the bloody Boy Who Lived, you know they would.

Anyway, the first thing Aunt Minerva did after signing the forms to become my guardian was take me shopping. She disapproved of my previous wardrobe, and bought me my own mall! That's an exaggeration, but it seemed like it at the time. It was exhausting. I got to decorate my own room, and this place feels more like home than Privet Drive ever has.

McGonagall Castle is huge! It's got so many rooms, a rather impressive ballroom and dining room included, a huge library, and.... A Quidditch pitch! I've gotten to fly with Padfoot every day, so I'll be on top form when practices start next term.

Amelia Bones has been by quite a bit - I think she and the old dog had something going before the war ended. She's a bit stern, but Padfoot seems to be able to make that go away. She reminds me a bit of Aunt Minerva, actually, though younger.

It was a bit weird, at first, living with a professor, but Aunt Minerva has been really great, and so understanding. This is the first summer I've actually felt like I might be sad to see end.

Anyway, I just wanted to ask if you'd like to come visit in a few days. I'm inviting Ron and Hermione also, and I thought I might ask Neville as well. Did you know that, in addition to his mother being my godmother, my mother was his? I'd like to get to know him better, since this sort of makes us like godbrothers, right? I'm also considering asking Susan Bones if she'd like to come, but I think that might be awkward. Amelia wants her to come over, but is concerned that she might not react well to meeting Padfoot. Neville might have some issues as well, but I know him better, and I think if I explain things, he'll keep it quiet.

Let me know if you can come. I miss you, and I can't wait to see you again!



Harry read back, and decided that it would work, and that he would explain more in person, when he told Ron and Hermione the truth.

Next, he had to figure out what to say to a boy he had never really had a deep conversation with. He and Neville got along all right, but they weren't really close. He sort of felt like Neville was the odd man out. It was him and Ron, and Seamus and Dean, and Neville was just sort of there.

Harry was a little dismayed with himself for not taking the time to really get to know Neville. He had a feeling the other boy could be a great friend.

It's OK Not To Be OK (But I Promise, I'm Trying)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant