Chapter 4

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Dear Harry,

I hope your summer studies are going well. If you have any questions on the Arithmancy text, please don't hesitate to ask!

I've been spending a good deal of time reading ahead for next term. We only have two more years before our OWL exams, so I've begun drawing up revision schedules. I do hope I have enough time to get everything done.

My parents are talking about going on holiday for a few weeks this summer, though we will definitely be back by August. Ron says the Quidditch World Cup will be in England this year, and he believes his dad can get tickets. It should be so fascinating to watch history in the making!




Mate -

How's everything going? Have you heard from Hermione yet? Can you believe it! Two years until OWLs and she's already talking about revising. Mental, that one is.

Summer's been pretty normal here; Fred and George are holed up in their room most of the time, though the explosions have been at a minimum, so far. Percy's got a job lined up at the Ministry, the prat. Can't say I thought he'd go anywhere else, though. He's been talking about working for the 'pillar of Magical Society' since before I started Hogwarts.

Have you heard? The Quidditch World Cup's gonna be in England this year. Dad reckons he can get some tickets through work, so you've got to come! Hermione will be there too, she said the historical aspects would be fascinating.

Speaking of the siblings - mate, what's up with you and Ginny? Why does she suddenly think you're like best friends or something? She wants to give Errol her letter, too, so I better wrap this up. Don't let the muggles get you down.



Dear Harry,

Don't worry, I'm all right. I won't tell you where I am, in case this letter gets intercepted, but I want you to know that I'm safe. If you need anything, I'm only an owl away, and I'll be there, no matter what.

We didn't have a whole lot of time to talk, but I hope to remedy that soon. From what I've seen of you, though, I can tell that you are a remarkable young man. You remind me so much of your parents, Harry, and not just in looks. That generous, caring soul is all Lily, the passion and belief in doing what's right is definitely James, and I daresay you got both their tempers.

Never doubt yourself, Harry. You've got good instincts, so use them. And remember, I'm here for you.



Dear Harry,

I hope things aren't too horrible. You'd tell me if they were, right?

Things have been pretty boring here, so far. Mum's got me and Ron doing chores, though I daresay you've probably got more. Fred and George are causing their usual mayhem, though fortunately, we came to an agreement a long time ago, so I don't have to worry about them pranking me (ask me to tell you about it sometime, it really is quite the story!). Ron's been on his guard, after the first night when they gave him a duck bill! But right now, they're focusing on Percy - they say they need to get it all out now, before he moves out. I'm not sure when that'll be, but now that he has a job, I'm expecting it any day.

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