Chapter 32 - finally

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Chapter 32

I knocked on the door three times and waited for an order to enter, but there wasn't one. I knocked again, even louder than before, but still nothing. I pressed my head to the door and it opened. It was like someone had already gone inside. I opened it cautiously and looked inside. It was dark, a candle lit on Snape's desk and a few candles in the corner of the room. I stepped in quietly and slowly being careful.

My senses were going mad. I could sense that someone was here but as I got further in I could see no one. I moved over to where two cauldrons were bubbling away. Suddenly, I heard something over by Snape's desk. I turned but saw nothing there. I narrowed my eyebrows and tilted my head. I walked over to the desk and circled it. I swore I felt something brush past me. I turned quickly on the spot to be faced with Snape. I jumped a little and whilst regaining my breath, I looked around the room. I could not see anything or anyone but I knew what I felt and I knew I wasn't imagining things.

"Decided to let yourself in did you Miss Williams? Decided to have a snoop around?" He asked coldly. I looked back at him. I shook my head, only just realising what it must look like to him.

"No professor, I knocked and waited but the door was ajar," I replied but he did not look satisfied.

"So you decided you'd just wonder in did you?" He slyly said. I shook my head again, my face turning serious as I looked around the room.

"It wasn't like that sir, I heard someone in here," I stated but he really didn't care. He had better time to argue with me, like in class, maybe to make me look stupid. He turned in the room and raised his wand in the air. He said a spell that I couldn't quite catch and nothing happened.

"If you are here to waste my time Miss Williams, I'll have you writing out lines instead," He moaned in his usual tone and I looked at my feet, fighting the annoyance and shame. But I knew what I felt and nothing would stop me at that. He walked over to his desk and picked up a piece of parchment and a quill and then walked back over to where the two cauldrons were bubbling away. He stirred the one cauldron and then sprinkled some sort of herb into the other cauldron.

"Well don't just stand there stupid girl. Come here and make notes," He ordered at me. I held my breath and staggered over to him. I took the quill in my hand and then wrote my name at the top of the page. I don't know why, force of habit I guess. He started saying instruction to me and I quickly jotted them down on the parchment. He was saying it all so quickly that it was hard to keep writing it all. It hurt my hand but I carried on doing as much as I could. He then went onto the second one and I turned over the parchment and started making notes on this potion. He was telling me the ingredients and then he went on to how to brew it.

"The first one is for control on your animagus form. We wouldn't want another episode like the one in Dumbledore's office know do we?" He hissed with pleasure. I clenched my fist in my sleeves and I guess it was his way of testing me. "Keep a vile of it everywhere you go in your pocket. If you ever get angry enough, drink the whole vile. Don't let any one else drink it," he instructed. I nodded my head, looking in at the cauldron there was enough of the potion that would last me a couple of times. He poured the contents of the first one into four viles and then put a cork in the top. He passed them to me and I put them safely in my pocket.

"This one is for those nightmares you have. This potion should relax you and block out the negative dreams that press onto your mind. This you only have to take on a night, but take it every night and try not to forget to take it or you might find the dream is worse. There's enough for a week but after that you will have to make it yourself. McGonagall has given you permission to brew this potion up in your dorm, but do not let any one mess with it. She also has said that if there are any problems you are to either go straight to her or me," He stated. I nodded my head numerously as he informed me. He poured the potion into another set of viles and it filled up ten. He handed me them in a material bag and took them from him. He flicked his wand and the cauldrons floated over into the cupboards where they sat on shelves.

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