Just a normal day II

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BethanyStanton thanks for helping me with my chapters and giving me the support to continue the story
"And what about you when are going to tell him?" Pepper asked
".......How about we tell them at the same time?" Sophie said
"Sure i just hope Sawyer likes me the same way." Pepper said
"I hope Newt still likes me." Sophie told her
Bella couldn't believe what she was hearing
"Omg no way!! Bella said
"Me and Troy will get them together she said as she walked out of the school
At Bella's House
Bella was texting Troy
The Troy :Hey Bell wats up
Bella: You won't believe what i heard and if I tell u and u tell someone witout my say so i will kill u k babe
The Troy: Okay Okay I promise
Bella: Srry but i heared Pepper tell Sophie she wanted to asked out Sawyer and Sophie say she hoped Newt stilled liked her
Side note yeah i know in their names im using a lot of emojis but......I don't care okay back to the story
The Troy: Srsly we have to get them get them together
End Of Messages
Bella got dressed the next morning for school she wore blue jeggings with butterfly designs and an Orange crop top that said 'Im Flawless' and she wore black flats and she put her hair up in a ponytail
"MOM I GOING TO SCHOOL BYE!!!!" Bella yelled
"Okay bye sweetie." Bella's mom said
Before Class
Bella and the guys were hanging out by her locker
"Sha-Boo-Yah" Bella smiled as she and the guys talked about their last game
"Hey Umm Bell can we talk to you for a second?" Pepper and Sophie asked
"Okay." Bella said
"Can you please help me i really wanna asked Sawyer out." Pepper said
"And me ask Newt." Sophie
"Yay I get to play Matchmaker!!" Bella smiled
"Thank you Bell your the best!!"
The girls smiled

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