The Plan

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Bella the Cheerleaders and the Football team were at the Starcade. It was 12:00 in the afternoon they were at the Starcade setting everything up for the plan.
4:30 pm
Everything was set up and Troy had just arrived
"Troy hi!!!" Bella said as she kissed him
"Hey Bae." Troy said
"Okay stand over here and when you get the signal pull this." Bella said
He nodded
Bella waited outside as Kyle came in the plan was in action.
"Hey Kyle." Sophie said
"Hey Sophie." Kyle
"I heard that you broke up Bella and Troy?" Sophie said
"Yes i did and Bella will never know." Kyle smirked
"Ooohhh im not so sure about that." She said as she walked away
Kyle didn't know Ace was recording everything he was saying.
"Hey Kyle whats up?" Bella said
"Nothing." Kyle said
"Sorry i'm late." Bella said
"No problem." Kyle said
"I have to use the bathroom brb." Bella said
"Pull it now." Bella said as she walked past Troy into the girls bathroom she looked through the window in the bathroom as Kyle was covered in Slime as the Cheerleaders said
"Kyle is a Cheater and a lier!!"

Bella and the bulldogs confessionsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora