The Chat

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8:30 1 hour later
"Bella umm remember earlier i told you i liked you?" Troy asked."Umm yeah." she said confused " And you said you liked me?" He continued. Bella nodded "Does that mean we are a couple?" he asked her. "I guess if you want to be but we can't tell the guys." she stated "Yeah your right."So we'll keep this a secret right Troy?" He nodded. "For as long as we can." "Yeah there bound to find out." Bella and Troy cuddled up and went to sleep.
The next day......................................
"Bella?Troy is that you guys?" Bella and Troy woke up to see Sawyer,Coach and the rest of the team were there. Bella jumped up to her feet "Hey Yalls what are you doing here." Bella said as Troy got up. "I was gonna ask you the same question Bella." Coach asked


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