Double Trouble Part II

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The Following Monday
Troy couldn't sleep on Sunday he couldn't stop thinking about Bella and he was exhausted. "Troy!Troy!." The Teacher yelled. "H h huh" Troy asked startled "Answer the question" "Um X=34" he answered. "Correct" she said
6 grueling hours later
"Uhhh school was horrible." Troy groaned. "Says the dude who fell asleep in all of his classes." Bella lauged 1 week later
" Bella I got something for you." Troy smiled. "Really the guys are here." she said quietly. "Yes i have a gift for you Bell." he said quietly "Its a necklace" he gave her the necklace
"OMG its so pretty thank you Troy!!" Bella laughed. Bella went home and it was just Troy and the guys at the pizza place. "Troy." Sawyer asked "Mmm hhm"He answered looking at his phone to see if Bella texted him back. "Are you and Bella dating?" Sawyer said "W what w w why w w would y you think t that?" "You are aren't you!" Sawyer said "No of course i'm not.
With Bella and the girls
" N No im not d d dating. T Troy why would w would w we b be?" "You are im telling Sawyer" Pepper said and she texted Sawyer
Back with the boys "Pepper texted me saying you are." "Okay fine were dating." Troy admitted. "Yes i knew it." Sawyer laughed

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