Part 3

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The next couple of weeks were the same.I heard that there was a new guy starting today, then I saw him as if it was fate, this guy had a blonde quiff, lip piercing and ocean blue eyes. The strange thing was...he looked exactly like me.

He walked up to me and gave me a big hug, I hesitated at first but then finally gave in and hugged him back. "Lolly!!! I've been looking for you absolutely everywhere! I'm so happy I finally found you!!" Okay i was officially puzzled now and curious, why is he looking for me?

"Haha, I guess you don't know who I am huh?" I shook my head and suddenly the floor became interesting and I stared at it. He lifted my face up with his fingers, they were freezing. People were looking to see what was going to happen next but i glared at them and warned them to move along, so they did. He looked at me and then smiled. "Lolly, you're a Hemmings, my names Luke Hemmings, i'm your twin brother!" He smiled at me and gave me the biggest hug, a tear escaped my eye, I was confused and happy because I finally found my real family. I always found it odd that my 'mum' never called me 'honey' or 'sweetheart' like a real mother would. I hugged him back and he lead me outside. Standing outside was 5 Seconds Of Summer. I screamed and hugged them all. I was Luke Hemmings sister and we were twins and I WAS A HEMMINGS. "I CAN'T BELIEVE WE ARE TWINS!" I exclaimed, I was over the moon. "We even dress the same!" he said, happily. We looked each other up and down and realised we both were wearing black and white converse, black skinny, ripped jeans, Nirvana top and we both had lip piercings, the only thing that wasn't the same about us was my hair was purple and blue ombre. I was so happy, I keep repeating myself but I don't care, i'm too happy.

The next few weeks were difficult, I had to cope with the hate from all the fans, I also, believe it or not, had to cope with the girls at school. They thought I was dating him. Well you know what they say, never judge a book by it's cover cause you never know what's gonna happen or what is happening.

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