Part 9

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The next morning we packed our stuff, ready to leave straight after the concert. We put our stuff in the back of the car and took it straight to the concert were we would hop in the car a little while after and leave! Yes I'm excited, we get to run away from fans and we also get to explore the world.
The boys performed their last concert while us girls chilled in the dressing rooms, eating and talking. It was quite fun to sit around and get to know everyone better as we talked like we had known each other forever but in reality we haven't.
As soon as the boys finished we were ushered out the door and in the car because we were running a little behind schedule.
We arrived at the airport and took our bags and passports and did all the stuff you do at an airport. Then we were rushed onto the private jet, the girls sitting next to their boyfriends or next to their best friends if they didn't want to sit next to their boyfriends, which was completely understandable because they were smelly and sweaty from their concert. The plane ride was estimated to arrive at 12:30 am in London. Oops, it was meant to be a surprise. Oh well, were going to LONDON!!! I've never been to London before and I'm really excited, I watch lot of youtube so I am hoping to meet the youtube Zoella because she is amazing, as well as Joe Sugg, and Caspar Lee, and Oli White, and Will Darbishire. Okay, so I'm kind of excited to meet some you tubers.
We were halfway through the flight when I woke up. Everyone was sleeping besides my twin Lucas sI carefully walked over to where Luke was, making sure not to make a sound and sat next to him, hugging his side. Luke jumped a bit as he realised I was there. "Oops, sorry big bro" I said half whispering and giving him a half smile. He shook his head and smiled back. "So, would you like to come with me and meet, well stalk some you tubers?" I said giggling. He looked at me with the biggest smile on his face. "Yes, omg, Zoella is bae, of course I'm going with you. I wouldn't miss this opportunity! It's a once in a lifetime thing omg!" This will be perfect for our birthday's!! Cause they are in 4 days! Not that I'm counting down or anything! We can take everyone, well all of us 5SOS boys and you girls. Katie is a youtube herself you know! She is good friends with Zoella!" Luke finally finished saying with a smile on his face and every time he spoke it was filled with utter excitement. I smiled and gave him a hug. "I have the best brother, twin and best friend in the whole entire world!" I kissed his cheek and snuggled with him the rest of the trip, falling asleep on each other. When I woke, it was to the sound of giggling and the flight attendant announcing that we had arrived in London. I looked at Luke who was just waking up as well. "Hey L! Are we here yet! I'm so excited for our events! I'm gonna make this the best holiday ever!" I smiled at Luke and gave him a hug. I got up ready to leave the plane but Luke wanted me to drag him off so I grabbed his hand and tugged him up as hard as I could, boy was he heavy. We walked off, me joining Michael and holding his hand, and Michael kissing my forehead. We all collected our bags before driving to the hotel in different cars. All us 5SOS gang went in the one car because we fit. "Okay so while you guys were all sleeping, Lucas and I came up with plan. So we all watch a lot of youtube and love it so we decided while here in London we could meet a few you tubers!! You guys in?" I asked with a smile on my face. "YESS I HAVEN'T SEEN ZOE IN AGES AND OMG YES I CAN INTRODUCE YOU GUYS TOO CASPAR, JOE, OLI, WILL, ALFIE, LOUISE! Omg I've been waiting to do this forever!" Katie said, yelling a bit, I mean a lot. We all laughed, everyone agreed and we made plans to go visit them. Katie rang Zoe and asked to get Caspar, Joe, Louise, Alfie, Will and Oli together this afternoon for a good old Aussie BBQ. I didn't tell her though that I was bringing my friends.

"Okay so we leave for Zoe's house in 1 hour so get ready! She has a pool so take your swimmers as well and obviously bring a towel. Also wear something summery cause it's summer here and it's quite warm for a change!" With that said we changed and got ready to leave.
We went in an a-joined car so we could arrive together. "Okay so what's going to happen is I'm going to walk in first but all by myself as Zoe doesn't know about use nor about you Calum, sorry babe" Calum looked at her with puppy eyes, trying so hard to be able to walk in their first and walk in with his girlfriend. "No Calum, when I turn around and look at use you may come in!" She said excitedly. We all nodded and answered with a yes. Katie got out of the car and walked up to the front door, knocking and waiting for a famous Zoe Sugg to open the door. As soon as the door was open, Zoe gave Katie a massive hug, they looked so happy and you could tell they were best friends. Katie turned to look at the car so we all got out, one by one. Zoe had a look of surprise written all over her face. "OMG, it's 5SOS and the Girlfriends!" Zoe said, running towards us and giving us all a hug. "I'm a huge fan of you guys, I don't have posters everywhere okay I'm not that type of girl, I'm okay really I'm" Zoe was cut off by Katie, dragging her inside, followed by us laughing and entering soon after. We walked in with food because they wouldn't have had enough due to the fact she nor did the others know we were going to be here. We placed the food on the kitchen bench and some in the fridge.
"Come on guys, I'll introduce use to the rest of my British gang!" We followed Katie outside were Zoe was trying not to scream that 5SOS were in her house, Alfie was hugging her, Caspar was tackling Joe, Louise was talking to Will and Oli was cooking the food on the BBQ.
"HEY EVERYONE!" Katie yelled. Everyone turned around, running towards us and giving us hugs and welcomes. "Omg Michael, Caspar is over there!" I whispered to Michael. He laughed at me but dragged me over to where he was standing with Joe. "Hey Caspar, Hey Joe." Michael said nicely. "Hi, wow I bet Zoe was over the moon to see use all arrive, she probably did her speech, how she isn't a crazed fan and doesn't have posters and all that." Joe said with a laugh at the end. "She did actually and it was quite funny to watch because Katie had to drag her away!" I said giggling and smiling. "Sorry, what's your name? I don't know any of the girlfriends only the 5SOS boys as I've spoken to them a few times before.We will have to play truth or dare or something like that to get to know everyone better!" Caspar said along with Joe. "Oh, Uhh I'm Lolly Hemmings and that would be a great idea!" I responded smiling. "Wait, your a Hemmings?" Joe asked with a look of slight shock on his face, he then studied my face, probably trying to see how we are related because I've dyed my hair so I look slightly different. "LUCIFER" I yelled not bothering to look behind me. Luke came running over and stood behind me. "Stand next to me please!" He nodded, then stood next to me. I almost reached his hight, but I was a little shorter. He is 6'4 and I'm 6'3. Im taller than Michael, but not by much. "Oh, wow, use actually are really alike, use look like each other, exactly like each other but you just have long hair and he has short hair" Joe said with a look of shock and confusion plastered on his face. "That's because were TWINS" Luke and I said in unison. We laughed, the others laughing too. "HEY GUYS THE BBQ IS READY!" Zoe yelled out.
We all gathered our food and sat down at the table that was set up outside. There was cordial, wine and beer sat out on the table for us to drink while enjoying dinner. I poured my self a glass of, well it was a wine glass but whatever, cordial, but the cordial was red and looked like wine so I could get away with it! I was underage anyway, so was Luke, well not that underage because our birthdays were coming up soon! 13 days I think, any way we won't drink much, I won't but I can't count on Lucifer.

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