Ch 81: I Love you Calla.

Start from the beginning

Kadens brows furrowed, "we have yet to decide what we are going to have altered. Remember doctor we will be watching you, we will know if you try to pull something."

Kaden, Aldric, and Donovan would be taking shifts to watch over me, each of them had furiously studied the evidence on the doctors work so they know what each experiment would look like if he tried.

I smiled at Kaden as a way to let him know it was okay.

He hesitated a moment but left the room.

Turning to the doctor I smiled a bit, "whats up?"

Doctor Hoover smiled back, "I just have a few questions."

"Ask away. I just want to get this done you know?"

He nodded, "have you ever considered vampirism before?"

"A few months ago. Yeah. Obviously didn't have the means though."

"Very good. Any past heart problems?"

"Uh no...why does that matter if you're stopping it?"

He smiled gently, "healthier the heart the less of a chance of it stopping early."

"Oh. Okay."

"Trouble breathing ever?"


"Many cases of lightheadedness or fainting spells?"


"Okay...are you sexually active?"

I stared at him for a good minute, "I don't see how that matters!"

"If so I must check to make sure you are in fact not pregnant, it would severely complicate things and harm the fetus."

"I can assure you I'm not pregnant!"

He frowned at me, "so you are not sexually active?"

I went silent.

"I see, well I will need to check anyways."

"Uhm how long does that take?"

"About a day or so for verified results. Off the shelf pregnancy tests are just not reliable enough."

I bit my lip, "Doc im not pregnant."

He looked absolutely frustrated, "now now Calla I know you want to get this done but I really must be sure."

I glanced at the door, "just trust me."

He followed my gaze, "oh...oh dear. That explains quite a bit actually."

I looked to the floor.

"Any particular thing you want changed during your journey into vampirism?"

I muled it over for a moment, "something minor? I'm not really sure actually.."

"I could try and make it so you have zero need to feed on blood?"

"Uhm no...I think I'm okay with the excessive drinking that comes with being a vampire."

He looked mildly disappointed, "A second row of fangs?"

Now thats just not sexy, Kaden probably wouldn't like that, I wanted something Kaden would like. "no...thats not right"

"Lets see...ah how about we give you infrared vision?"

What the actual fuck? "Like a bat?" Isn't that kind of creepy and cliche? "has that ever worked?"

"Well yes actually."

I smiled, "great."

"Just avoid looking at curtains in daylight and too harsh of artificial lighting."


"you will go blind then, poor things all did and went mad with the over drive of other senses and killed themselves or just went into such a state of shock and pain they starved themselves to death."

"yeah...Lets not go with infrared vision."

"hmmm okay well..ah I know! what will you miss most about being human?"


"I could make your lungs-"

"No internal organ mumbo jumbo."

"What about your master what will he miss?"

I pondered it, looking around the room, gaze landing on my own reflection in a small pool of water, "My eyes...they always were his favorite thing. Said that once as a child he got a glimpse of the daytime sky and it was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seem, claims my eyes remind him of that."

"A vampire with blue eyes, darling that will make you a social leper."

I smiled mostly to myself, "yes well the lord out there was born a vampire with two shades of red in his, I think its only fair we match in flaws and I like to out do him so I think my blue will be just fine."

Hoover nodded, "very well, it shall be done. Should we inform your master?"

I shook my head, "No..No lets make it a surprise."

"very well, you may tell him he is allowed in again. its best we begin."

I never let go of Kadens hand, after man hostile glares and questions he dropped the subject of what the doctor was going to change about me, as I lie on the table nervous beyond belief.

A sharp pain in my arm as the doctor told me he was going to induce my coma and begin the procedure.

Soft, cool, lips brushed against my ear, "I love you Calla."

Everything went black.

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