CHAPTER 2- Getting to know

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The next day, Checo insisted to Sara to leave Angie with Xavi, Checo's trainer. After some talks, she agreed to leaver her with him. Later, Sara went to do her job while Checo prepared for the morning session.

Later, in the night...

"Welcome to our motorhome, please feel like home"- said Checo, guiding Sara and her daughter to the table.

"Gracias"- She answered back. The place was clean, with some black and orange in the walls and some furniture. There were a couple of white couches and a couple of chairs made with engine covers. It was a state-of-the art motorhome.

After taking their seats, the catering crew started to serve dinner. A mushroom cream as starter, then grilled fish with a caesar salad and finally, coffee and an apple struddle. Everyone was peacefully eating and talking.

"Since when are you involved in motorsports photography, Sara?"- Nico asked.

"I started a couple of years ago in a local kart track. I used to take pics for some of the karters, then I was hired by a magazine to cover some motorsports events and shortly I was contacted by this magazine to work for them. But I started as a photographer for some artists."- Sara explained.

"Interesting, hope you feel comfortable in this circus"- Checo said.

"Thanks for the warm welcome"- Sara said while helping Angie to cut her fish.

The rest of the evening, everyone in the table spend the time talking while Angie fell asleep. It was time for Sara to go back to their hotel.

Later that week...

The next two and final days of testing flown fast. So far, Sara was comfortable in the F1 world. She's doing a good job, her boss was pretty delighted with the pictures taken by the young photographer.

The F1 circus headed to their respective headquarters, while Sara and Angie went back to their new home to settle down. The small apartment was perfect for them, it has 2 medium bedrooms, a small kitchen, a bathroom and medium living and dining rooms.

In the upcoming weeks, their rooms were ready as their likes and Angie was already enrolled in a daycare. Even they got some time to explore the city before heading to Australia. Once again, it's difficult to find a nanny that wanted to travel and take care of Angie, and she didn't want to leave her daughter under the care of a stranger so there was no choice but taking her everywhere.

A few days later, in Melbourne...

Angie and Sara were entering the media center when somebody shoutted at Sara.

"Hola, Sara!"- said Pérez while getting to her.

"Hola, Checo"- she answered to his countryman. "What is going on?"

"I have some good news for you. I talked with Massa about your situation. He said his nanny can take care of your daughter all this weekend if you need. So you can work without worries."- said Checo

"Oh thanks so much. I'll give him a call later." She said and entered the media center while Checo took his way to his team's motorhome.

Sara prepared her camera and then left Angie with the Massas. It was Thursday so the day was less busy than the rest of the weekend. As usual of every new season, portraits had to be taken that day and later, pic of the track walk were needed to be taken.

Finally, after a couple of hours, she was done with taking pictures. She headed to the Williams' motorhome to pick her girl. Then they headed to the media center. Sara edited the pictures and sent them to the editorial to be uploaded.After that, they went back to the hotel.

Friday and Saturday were the same, except that both days were busier than Thursday. Rosberg got the pole, followed by Vettel, Pérez, Bottas and Hülkenberg. Saturday came fast, the first race of the season started clean, with no crashes. There was a battle, during the first 12 laps, for the leadership between Rosberg and Vettel, constantly switching positions until lap 13, when Vettel took the lead for the next 24 laps, when he was passed by his countryman, who had fresher tyres. Twenty one laps, one safety car and lots of battles later, the race was over. Rosberg won and the Force Indias completed the podium.

After taking pictures, editing and sending them, she spent the rest of the evening with her daughter. Later, she attended the Australian GP after party.

"Hi, Sara, nice to see you here relaxing!"- said Pérez greeting her in the lounge. He was accompanied by his girlfriend, Andrea.

"Hola, Checo. I'm glad to be here too."- Sara said back to her countryman.

"By the way, she is..."- suddenly he was interrupted by his gf.

"Hola, I'm Andrea Castro, Checo's girlfriend."- Andrea said, taking Sergio's hands and giving him a passionate kiss. Checo felt a lil bit uncomfy but returned the passionate kiss back.

"Hi, Andrea. Nice to meet you. I'm Sara López, photographer for Speed Magazine. Well, see you later. Enjoy the night." Then, Sara went to meet her colleague, Dana and Mark.

Everyone was dancing, Sara danced with Ricciardo, Kvyat, Gutierrez, Rosberg and Stevens. For moments, Pérez was watching her, discreetly, while dancing and talking with his gf and friends.


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Seems Checo is faling in love with Sara. Does she feels the same about 

Found and LostOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora