Chapter 1- Ultra

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It was ultra night, the biggest Edm festival to hit SA and obviously I had to go, so here's what happened. I snuck out, because seriously, I wouldn't miss this for the world. So there I go, I climbed out my window and ran straight to my best friend's car. I was wearing a knee high plain black dress and of course my boots.

When we entered Ultra it was like I stepped into another world. There were so many people, some were dressed in costumes that involved a lot of sparkles and the rest were dressed casual, like me.

"Should we go to the front?" my best friend Alice asked.

"Yeah, let's do that" I said already making my way to the front, like I said there's a lot of people and well I'm not exactly the biggest person there is. So we finally made it to the front with no broken bones thankfully and enjoyed the night.

In a way you could say that the music did in fact save my life. I remember listening to Derro's set, it was the beginning of his mix "five hours" when I bumped into him; Martin Garrix. Well to be honest I didn't know it was him at first as I was jumping around and then BAM I bump into some guy. I was going to just let it go as this was happening all night but then I saw his eyes and I automatically knew who it was. I didn't make a big deal about it though, he would probably hate if I did and besides he's just trying to enjoy the festival like the rest of us. So I just smiled and apologized, he nodded and continued walking.

Alice and I were leaving when a guy in a hoodie approached us. Only, I knew who he was.

"Hi I'm Martin Garrix" he looked at me and smiled.

"I'll be in the car" Alice said and started walking, not before looking back and winking of course. "I know who you are, my name is Raina." I smiled and shook his hand.

"I just wanted to say thanks for back there, you know for not yelling out my name."

"Why would I yell out your name? I mean you're just Martin Garrix" with that he smirked.

"Oh really? I hadn't noticed" I just laughed. "So hey there's this after party thing and I was wondering if you would like to join me?" did he really just ask me to go with him to an after party? "I would love to but I have to get home before my parents know I'm missing."

"So you're quite the rebel hey?" He said. "Meh it keeps me going" I turned around to walk away when all of a sudden I felt somebody spin me around. "Wait can I at least get your number?"

So there I was, standing in the middle of what was Ultra giving Martin Garrix my phone number.

When I got home I snuck back in and recalled what a great night it has been. 20 minutes later I was drifting off to sleep, until I heard my phone buzz...

She Was My Virus (A Martin Garrix FanFic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ