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Things were started to take off for me and Daniel, we wasn't official yet but we damn sure acted like it. His mother loved me, and I've been welcome to all their family events.

She even call me her son-in-law now. Daniel was bonding more with his family now. I see more smiles in there households than frowns which was a good thing.

School was going really great, and prom was coming up. We landed number one in district again. Which pushed me to sent out a few more applications for colleges. Sadly football wasn't my main goal anymore.

Coach Drew took it pretty hard, he had high hopes for me but I had other plans. Chris called me a few weeks ago asking me if he'l see me for his birthday I lied and told him no, but I was planning to surprise him in spite of everything that took place I still had love for him.

Received a email for my mom asking me to Renew the lease but it was no need. I'll be off to college within the next Four months.

Had a lot to think about, prom was approaching fast. Everybody was already preparing for prom which was Friday. But me? Still had no date, wasn't sure if I was going, my senior year didn't plan out how I imagined it.

Chris was suppose to be here with me, even dreamt about going with him. I found myself scrolling pass his number a lot even after what Daniel did the night after the party. I do love Daniel and I also still love Chris.

I forced myself to get over him which was starting to back fire now. I only find myself missing him at times. I knew if I told Daniel I was going to see him for his birthday he would flip out on me.

He was on the side of me asleep with his head on my stomach. That's the only way he says he's able to sleep. I don't mind it, I wanted him to feel comfortable when he's with me just like I do with him. My phone started to ring, I knew from the ringtone it was my mom.

Incoming call ; Madre'Olivia
" Just wanted to hear your voice, been meaning to reach out to you. I know things have been rocky but I do want you to know that I love you okay?" She said breathing heavily through the phone. I moved Daniel head placing a pillow under him.

"What's wrong ? Is everything okay out there." I asked getting up from the bed walking into the living room.

"Yeah, I was speaking with an elderly woman out here and she just showed me so much about life and love and cherishing what you have in front of you now. Jordan I know I've been a little standoff 'ish but I promise you once I get back I would like to work on our communication I want to be there more, come to your games I've missed so much of your life" she said taking a deep sigh.

"Where was this woman four years ago" I said jokingly causing my mom to chuckle with me. "Well football season is over now, so no more sports now, I would like it for you to make it back before prom I could use your help" I said peeping back into the door way, noticing the restroom light on.

"Use my help with what?" She asked.

"Finding something to wear" I said

"I can do that, just look up some stuff and email me pics or web links" she said before we ending the conversation.

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