Chapter 16

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Elijiah pulls Nik off of me and throws him across the room. "How dare you touch her?" Elijiah says in rage. "Oh brother, it's not like she's your girlfriend," Nik says smirking and getting up like nothing happened. "Well it's not like you are her boyfriend. She doesn't even like you that way," Elijiah says pushing Nik against the wall.

"Mhmmmmmm," I hear a voice next to me. I look down to see Care still tied up. I bend down and untie her.

"Caroline, get Mae out of here," Elijiah says holding Nik down. "No Elijiah, I'm not leaving without you. Nik will kill you," I say crossing my arms. "Well he can snap you like a twig. Get out of here. When I'm done with him I'll come over to the Salvatore boarding house," he says as Nik holds him against the wall. I hesitantly get on Care's back and she uses her Vampire speed to get us to Stephan's house.

"Care, is he gunna die?" I ask her looking in her eyes with a worried expression. "No, I don't think so. He is an original. The only way to kill him is to stab a white oak tree steak through his heart. There are none of those left, so he is pretty much going to live forever," Care says putting a hand on my shoulder. That makes me feel a lot better. I mean, he will get hurt obviously, but he wont die.

"Come on. Let's get you inside. I bet everyone is worried," Care says pulling my arm to make me walk inside with her. We walk inside to see Jeremy and Matt on the couch with Stefan and Elena. When they see me walk in the door they have relieved expressions. "Oh my gosh. Where have you been?" Elena asks running up to me and hugging me tight. I put my hands on her back, "I was out." "No. She got a call from me, Klaus made me call her and make her come over here. He told her that if she didn't come over, I would die. Then, when she did come over, she got a call from Elijiah and Klaus picked up and Elijiah came and saved the day. They are still fighting though. He made me take Mae home," Care says spilling her guts. I look at her with a "are you serious" look.

"Mae, you could have told us. We could have helped," Jeremy says getting up off of the couch. "He told me not to tell anyone or Care would die. And honestly, I didn't want to risk any of your lives," I say smiling. I don't want any of them to die. They are great people that got stuck in vampire drama. "Well, forget all of it. We are happy to see you," Matt says getting up and hugging me. "Thanks," I say hugging him back. "You guys are huggers," I say laughing. "That's what I say!" Jeremy yells putting his hands up in the air. We all laugh.

I reach into my back pocket, where I usually keep my phone, and found an empty pocket. Damn it. When Elijiah had called and Nik answered, Nik left my phone in Care's house.

"Care, I left my phone at your house," I say out loud and waking over to the couch and sitting on it. I wonder if Elijiah is okay. Nik is a lot stronger than he is. "When Elijiah comes back, I'll go home and see if it's over there. And don't worry about Elijiah, he'll be fine," Care says putting a hand on my shoulder.

Then, someone bursts through the door, "hello there love."

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