Chapter 4

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I walk downstairs. "I'm ready," I say quietly. No matter how much I want to bitch at Elena, I can't. I feel obligated to be a good sister to her. "Lets go," Elena says harshly grabbing Stefan's arm and drags him outside.

"You heard Elena a while ago didn't you?" Caroline says looking into my eyes. I nod and smile weakly. I don't really know her, but I want to. I've been alone with my dad almost all my life. Her soft brown eyes just look so friendly. When he died, I had no one. I thought I should warm up to her. "Don't listen to her. She's just mad," Caroline smiles and puts a hand on my shoulder as we get into the car.

Elena was driving while Stephan sits next to her and Caroline and I sit in the back. The car was getting awkwardly quiet. After about 4 minutes we arrive at this hut looking place. On the top of the building it said "Mystic Grill." Elena and Stefan walked in and behind them were Caroline and I. I look around and see "the group" by the pool table. "Hey Mae," Tyler says coming up to me. I smile. "Hey Tyler," I say. "Call me Ty. All my friends do," He says smiling. "So now we are friends?" I chuckle and ask. "Yep. And friends play pool together, so come on and let me beat your ass," he says chuckling. I laugh and nod. This should be fun.

"I beat you! In your face Maebear!" Tyler yells as he gets weird looks. I laugh, "Maebear?" "Yep that's your new nickname," he says smiling brightly. "Alright then. I'm bad at pool, but I'm pretty good at other things. So watch your back Ty," I say eyeing him. He just shakes his head laughing. "Tyler, come over here," Elena says behind me. "Okay. I'll be right back. Don't miss me too much," Ty says to me winking. I laugh and nod. I look back and see Elena eyeing me.

What did I ever do to her? "Don't mind Elena, she's always like this," a voice says behind me. I look back to were Ty was standing and there was Jeremy. "Yeah, but why does she hate me? I just got here and all I've done is be nice to her," I say looking down. "I mean, I'm a pretty bitchy person, but I just haven't been able to be mean to her. I just feel like being a good sister to her and give her anything she wants," I say looking at him. He just sighs and shakes his head. "That feeling won't be going away," he says smiling weakly at me.

"You need to stop overreacting Elena. She hasn't done anything to you," I hear Ty's voice. I look back and see Ty yelling at Elena while Elena was in rage. Ty walks away and comes up to Jeremy and I.

"If you ever want to move out of Stefan's place because of Elena, you can always stay with me," he says smiling at me. "I have a feeling that will be happening soon," Jeremy says chuckling. Ty and I chuckle. "Thanks. I'll think about it," I say to Tyler.

Coming over here is the best decision I've ever made. I've already met great people. Elena is a bitch, but her friends are amazing.

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