"Here are your rooms. I hope you enjoy your stay." With that she disappeared. Literally.

Jace and Christian turned to me.

"Rose are you sure you don't want to share a room with us?" Jace asked.

"No, I'm a big girl. I can handle sleeping by myself."  

"Are you sure?" Christian asked with pleading eyes.

"Positive." I turned around, and entered the room.

Why do they always baby me? I mean seriously.

I walked over and jumped in the bed. It feels like forever since I've been in a comfy bed. I closed my eyes for approximately zero point two seconds before I heard a knock on the door.

"Ugh!" Who could it be now? I got up and opened the door, only to find no one on the other side.


 I shut the door, and headed to the bed again when I heard another knock at the door. This time I sprinted to the door and opened it, but still no one was there.

"What the hell is going on?" I was about to close the door when I heard the faint playing of a flute. I stuck my head out the door and looked left to right. There was no one there, so I took a step out. Without warning my door closed by itself.

I quickly spun around and tried to open the door knob, but it wasn't budging. What the hell? I decided to head to Jace and Christians room, when I heard a whisper. It called my name. I spun around and yelled to nothing in particular.

"Who's there? ...Hello."

"Rose follow my voice." It called. It was like I was in a trance; I couldn't stop myself from following the voice. My feet lead me down the steps and out the inn. I was walking mindlessly through the still packed streets.

Abruptly I stopped walking, and snapped out of the trance. I looked around confused. I had no recollection of coming here. I looked around until I spotted something to my left. It was a shop.

I don't know why but my feet started walking towards it. I wasn't in control of them anymore. Once I stepped through the beaded door I was confronted by an old woman. Then and there I knew what she was.

She was a gypsy.

I took a step backward. This is a trap, it has to be. I didn't want to come out here, she made me.

"Don't be afraid child. I won't hurt you." She raised her finger and my feet immediately started moving forward.

"How are you making me come to you" my voice wavered.

"Magic, now sit down." She motioned her hand for me to sit down, and my body responded instantaneously.

"Now I've brought you here to give you a warning, and an ultimatum."

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Not important." She snapped. "Now here's your warning. Stop this silly adventure of yours and your life and your friends will be saved if not ... You will be hunted down and killed." She smiled.

"And my ultimatum?" I don't know what she's getting at with this bullshit, but I might just humor her. She really is full of shit.

"Join our side, meaning James and I, and your friends will live. Simple isn't it."

"Who's James?"

"He's is the enemy of your oh so beloved Jace. Oh and I almost forgot to mention that you will be betrothed to him. If you agree he will give you the closure you need from the murder of your family."

"Why do you want me so bad? Why doesn't he get another betrothed?"

"Because he has requested you and only you. And when his majesty wants something, he gets it. And of course because of your special gift." Special gift?

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm a bit disappointed you haven't picked up on it yet Rose. You absorb gifts. It's quite amazing; you're probably the only living vampire who can do that. With you on our side the kingdom will be ours."

I stood up then. Why should I believe this crazy old hag? She could be lying for all I know.

"You're lying. Jace told me not to trust you and he's right. All you do is spout out crap." I spun around and headed for the door.

"You don't believe me?" I stopped in my tracks, not because I wanted to but because she made me.

"You've seen me control your body, now you have that power. Why don't you give it a try?" She released me from her power.

I didn't turn around.

"I still don't believe you."

"Fine then your friends will die. Every single one of them-" I hadn't realized what I did until I did it. My hands were raised as if I were choking something. I looked and realized that it was the old woman. My hands didn't make direct contact with her neck but I felt the power in my hands. I was killing her.

I immediately released, and ran out the gypsy's shop. I don't know where I was headed but I had to get out of there.

Something weird was going on and I didn't know what. All I know Is that I don't want Jace and Christian getting hurt.


Sorry for the long upload. I've just been gone for so long i felt like i needed to come back with a BANG!


I also wanted to deicate this book to someone, i just dont know who!

Any suggestions.!

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