This is Gospel

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Tristan's POV:

I swear I'm no stalking. Just, some intense research in an individual.

This individual just so happened to Bryan.

I knew something was up with him when he came into the class with bruises on his face, some even covered his arms when he raised his hand to ask to go the restroom, making his sleeve ride up.

So, here I am, following him home.

Totally normal.

I noticed we had passed Bella's(our) street and started wondering why she never walked with him. Then again, he was a shy human being. We passed a few more houses, each looking more run down by the street. I started to feel bad for Bryan when I noticed he walked to the front door of a house that had paint chipping of, the lawn was just a pile of dirt with no sign of grass what-so-ever, and junk on the porch.

I let him walk inside and stood by the gate, turning my head to look around the neighborhood. They mostly looked like his house, some were worse, some were a little better. I looked across the street to see an old man come out of his house, go to the mail box, take out the mail and look towards Bryan house. For a second I thought he was looking at me, but then he shook his head and went back into his house.

I snapped my head back to Bryan's front door when I started to hear yelling, and things being thrown. Only when I heard glass shatter and Bryan scream did I float into the house.

If I was alive, I probably would have tackled the man, which I'm assuming is Bryan's father, to the ground.

Bryan was on the floor with a piece of glass in his left arm, pieces of glass beside him and tears coming streaming down his face. His father had a broken beer bottle in one hand, and in another a full beer bottle. Taking a swig from his beer, the father pointed the broken beer bottle to Bryan and started talking, well, more like slurring, but I caught what he was saying.

"Y-You, son-son of a bitch. You-you w-weren't suppose t-to li-ve. B-becaue of Y-You, I l-lost my wife. Y-You were a m-mistake. I-I didn't w-want you, but s-she w-wanted a ch-child. A-and what d-did that cost h-her? Her f-fucking life." By the end of his speech, he was sobbing, and Bryan quietly got up and went to what I'm guessing is his room, but not before his dad threw the broken beer bottle at his arm, leaving scratches, making my blood boil.

Who would hurt their own child just because of an accident?

I followed Bryan to his room and heard the sink in the bathroom that was connected run. I went inside and saw Bryan cleaning up the cuts, crying softly. I saw the piece of glass that was in his arm and mentally winced because it was a pretty big piece. The water going down the drain was red and the cloth he was using to dab the cuts was soaking red as well.

Once he was sure his arm wasn't bleeding anymore, he turned off the water and threw the cloth in the trash. He picked up a razor and-

Oh fuck no, not my watch.

"Hey," I said softly. He gasped quietly and looked around the bathroom, as if looking for someone, making me laugh slightly.

"You shouldn't do that. What do you get out of it? Nothing, except ugly marks on your beautiful skin, and hurting people who care about you, like Bella. Come on, put the razor down." I coaxed quietly, my voice barely above a whisper.

His hand holding the razor shook slightly until he sighed and put the razor down, looking at himself through the mirror, eyes shutting a little. I stood behind him and whispered in his ear, even though he couldn't see me,

"Go to bed, you've had a long stressful day. I'll clean up the bathroom, just go to bed please."

He hesitated, then nodded while sighing, walking out the bathroom door and slumped onto his mattress, falling asleep almost instantly.

I sighed and kept my promise, cleaning the sink and spots of blood that landed on the floor. I then went by his bed and frowned when I saw angry red lines on his arm. I went back to the restroom and flushed all the razors down the toilet, making him stir in his sleep.

I decided it was time to get back to Bella before she started wondering where I was at. I walked to Bryan's bedroom door and took one last glance at him. I sighed sadly at his broken yet peaceful features, and walked out the door.

For good measures, I locked the door.


Bella's POV

"-I wanna see your animal side

Let it all out

Oh, there you go,

Undress to impress

You can wear a crown but your no princess-"

I was singing along to the blasting radio while I was alone the house alone. I was wearing shorts, a flannel that was open so you can see my Nirvana tank top, and white knee high socks. I was singing in the living room on top of the couch, into a spatula, when someone decided to cut off the music.

No. One does not simply cut off a Fall Out Boy song. Especially when Patrick Stump is singing like the fucking angel he is.

Mario, Ivan and Travis had just left from rehearsing a song we were going to perform this weekend at an open mic in the park, and Christopher and Douglas were out sick, so it couldn't have been them.

"What the hell are you doing?"

Oh, its him.

"Where were you?" I asked jumping off the couch onto him, but of course, he's a ghost, so I ended up on the floor instead with a loud 'oomph'. Tristan chuckled while I groaned, my face into the carpet. I moved my face the side so I can see him, but he had a frown on his face.

"What's wrong Casper?" I joked, causing him to glare at me. I got up from the floor and walked to where he was. He looked at me for a really long time and I started to get freaked out. I was about to question him, but he started talking.

"Who's home?"

"I-uh-um, no one?" I said, stuttering under his gaze. His eyes seemed to get darker and he looked into my eyes scaring the shit out of me.

"I'm going to do something, okay? Yes, it involves you, but you can stop me at any time by screaming okay? I just want you to know that I'm doing this because I need you to know what really happens behind closed doors. It totally safe by the way." He said walking towards me, licking his lips. I was utterly scared and I backed up to a wall.

"W-what are you-" I didn't get to finish my sentence because Tristan had something unbelievable.

Bitch went inside me.

I mean I get it, he's a ghost so he can go inside other peoples bodies, but fuck, a little warning would've been nice.

But that didn't scare me, no what scared me was that I was able to see what had happened what I believe was about a few hours ago with Bryan.

From him waiting outside a few minutes when Bryan went inside his house, to Tristan cleaning the bathroom and locking the door on his way out of the house.

Tristan came out of me (haha) standing there looking for my reaction while I just stood there coughing cause he came out of my mouth (I had to rewrite this over and over cause I kept messing up from laughing).

"A- a warning next time p-please." I coughed out, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand.

"Oh shut up, it wasn't that bad," he said crossing his arms and leaning on the wall.

I let out one final cough and sat on the floor next to the couch, my mind going over what I had just seen.

Who would do that to their own kid? Its sick. I sighed and brought my knees to chest. Tristan sat down next to me and sighed as well.

"What do we do? He can't keep living like this." He said quietly.

"There's nothing we can do, no one would believe us. I'm a jokester and your, um, invisible," I said not wanting to upset him, "No one would take us seriously."

"Well, what can we do?" He asked.

"The only thing we can do." I responded.

"Which is?"

"We pray and hope that Bryan doesn't give without a fight."

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