Chapter 5: Breaking In

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I'm sorry I didn't update in such a long time. I was staying in a cabin in the middle of the woods for 4 days AND I COULD NOT POST ANYTHING CUZ THERE WASN'T ANY INTERNET. SO I CRIED.
But anyway, here's chapter 5!!

~Jump City~

Cinderblock, Plasmus, Adonis, Kitten and Killer Moth were sent all over the parts of Jump City by Brother Blood.

Cinderblock smashed against prison walls to let prisoners escape and let them in town. Prisoners ran off out of their cells, but a few were let down by the police. Most of them escaped and began robbing banks. Sirens blinked all around town as the police were on a search for the prisoners.

Plasmus broke into business buildings which left citizens frightened. People ran out of the buildings from Plasmus.

Adonis went to the Jump city museum to steal a sack full of rare artifacts.

Kitten and Killer Moth were releasing a new army of blood thirsty moths that were huge.

~Titans Tower~

Once again, the titan alarm buzzed while flashing red lights in the common room. Cyborg quickly got on the computer and started tracking down the trouble.

" great," Cyborg sarcastically said, " Cinderblock, Plasmus, Adonis, Kitten and Killer Moth are all spilt up in different areas in the city."

" all right, looks like we're going to have to split up again. Cyborg and Bee, you take Cinderblock. Kid Flash, Jinx, and Aqualad you'll take Kitten and Killer Moth. Raven, Beast boy take down Adonis and Star and I will get Plasmus," Nightwing demanded.

Beast boy and Raven complained in the background. " Why do we get Adonis?" Beast boy whined.

" why not?" Nightwing asked.

" he has this 'thing' for me. And it's kind of weird," Raven answered.

" WEIRD? IT'S WRONG," Beast boy yelled.

" jealous?" Raven smirked.

" ugh, we are wasting time. Is there anyway for you to just take down Adonis?" Nightwing facepalmed.

Beast boy and Raven smirked. Both of them looked at each other and then at Nightwing.

" all right, we'll take Adnois... Only if you take Kitten," Beast boy said.

Starfire gasped behind Nightwing as he gulped.

~With Starfire and Nightwing~

" hmm, another one of those moth armies, Killer Moth?" Nightwing said.

Nightwing charged at Killer Moth with his staff. Killer Moth used his whip and went after Nightwing, but he dodged the hit. Nightwing jumped to give a hard hit on Killer Moths head with the staff and then landed behind him.

Starfire and Kitten stood apart from each other as they gave each other a mean glare.

" so you think you can steal MY Robbie Poo from ME?" Kitten gritted her teeth and clenched her fist.

" I already have. Nightwing is currently my husband and I am the wife. Have I not won you already?" Starfire's eyes glowed green and zoomed to Kitten to give her a hard punch. She constantly threw her starbolts at her.

~With Beast boy and Raven~

Adonis opened his sack and began throwing gems and artifacts inside his bag as the museum alarm kept buzzing. He was inside a giant room that was part of the museum.

" Adonis," Beast boy called out making his voice echo around the room.

Adonis turned around and smirked. " you again, eh? Oh, and the precious little lady."

Raven replied saying," ugh."

" lay off her Adonis! She's mine!" Beast boy shouted. He morphed to a cheetah and ran at him.

Adonis pushed him back with his battlesuit arm, where Beast boy slid back and morphed back to a human.

Raven used her telekenisis to crumble the ceiling above Adonis, which fell on top of him.

~Titans Tower~

" Are you guys noticing some weird stuff around the city?" Dawn asked her team while pacing back and forth in the living room.

" what weird stuff?" Vincent asked.

" there has been more than one crime happening at the same exact time spread around the city. And they're all part of the Brotherhood of Evil. Cinderblock, Plasmus-" Dawn was cut off.

Jay stepped out from the darkness in the common room.
" I can answer that question for you."

Willy scoffed and replied, " what do you know? "

Jay transformed to Madame Rouge and she walked up to the Teen Titans along with Mallah, Brother Blood, Bella, and the brain.

" more than you that's for sure," Madame Rouge replied.

" UGH, I KNEW SOMETHING WAS GOING ON, " Dawn angrily shouted as she got her firing green starbolts loaded.

Madame Rouge shot a stretched arm right at Dawns face, where she slid against a wall.

" KIDS, GET OUT OF HERE! YOUR POWERS CANNOT HANDLE THIS," Watson shouted as he threw a punch at the Brain, but he dodged it.

Sapphire, Kris, Willy, Jacky, Roman and Rachel tried running out of the tower but was blocked by Mallah. He wore a mask and sprayed instant sleeping gas at the children which they fell right on the floor. Mallah was about to drag the bodies out the door, but Gabby used her telekenisis to close it shut. She morphed to a lion and attacked Mallah with her sharp claws and teeth. Mallah slammed her against the wall where Gabby was knocked out.

Watson created a tornado with his arm that attacked Brother Blood to the ground. Bella tackled from behind Watson when she threw red energy blasts. Watson turned and was about to attack back, but he was surrounded with energy blasts when Brother Blood got back up and shot energy at him. Watson tried escaping with his speed, but the power was too strong he gave up and dropped to the floor.

Dawn constantly threw starbolts right at Madame Rouge, but with her acrobatic skills, she swiftly dodged them. Rouge used her arms to wrap around Dawn and strangle her. Dawn used her eye blast to escape. Before Dawn could run off, Madame Rouge blocked her path with her arms and legs that created a cage. Dawn turned and was about to blast Rouge, but instead Madame Rouge have her a punch in the face that made her fall down.

Geena rushed a wave of water at Bella, but she shield the eave with her red energy. Bell threw back the energy at Geena, where she was against the wall. Bell constantly threw her red powers at Geena, then front flipped to her to give her a finishing kick in the face.

The battle was harsh for Vince as he battled Brother Blood, for he didn't have his suit. Vince tried dodging every attack, but it only made him lose his energy. Vince lost his breath and was knocked out with Brother Blood's power.

~Brotherhood of Evil database~

The Teen Titans were locked in small separated metal cages that hung in an eneromous room. Jay stood below them, with his red eyes watching them.

Disclaimer: I do not own the Teen Titans

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