Chapter 6 - Greyson POV

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Greyson's eyes fluttered open and was met with a hideous beige color.

 He arched his back, feeling satisfaction when it popped. He stood up and closed his eyes, stretching his arms out wide.

 Then, with great fervor he did his daily morning stretches. He touched his toes, stretched each quad 

and then turned his focus to his arms.

"You done there lad?" a voice disturbed Greyson from his morning routine

Greyson's head whipped up and was met with five people standing on the opposite side of the room.

 There was a gruff old man that was wearing ugly cargo pants and an unfashionable grey T-shirt. 

Next to him was a man that had never seemed to have heard of a haircut.

 His unruly curls looked like a mop on top of his head, and his clothing made him look like a hippie.

 Greyson's gaze was turned to a dark-haired girl. She was wearing a grease stained flannel and skinny jeans. Clearly,she had never heard of washing her clothes.

 Next to her was a girl with bright pink hair in two pigtails. She looked like a little girl even though she was probably in college.

 Finally, he saw the Indian boy. He had two different colored eyes. Greyson almost sneered at him.

"What's your name?" demanded the old man.

"Excuse me, I don't think I gave you permission to talk to me in that tone," Greyson shot back at him

"Ay, lad take it easy we just want your name, you don't need to be a wanker about it," said the mop head.

Greyson looked at the two men with his face twisted into a sneer.

"My name is Greyson. And what might your names be, you fine gentlemen?" Greyson said sarcastically.






Each member of the group chimed in with their names.

"I wish I could say it was a pleasure to meet you," Greyson sneered.

The tension in the room increased. Everyone glared at Greyson, but he only adjusted his blazer and smoothed his hair. 

The tension was broken when a voice cut through the room. It was coming from an intercom, by the door.


~You have 24 hours to complete the next task, those who do not finish will be met with a terrible demise. Please enter the next room~

*door clicks*

Hey guys those are all the characters for now. Keep on the lookout for more chapters, updated daily! 

Love you guys!


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