Chapter 1

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I woke up with a start, with sweat soaking my clothes. The dream that scared me couldn't possibly be real, because there was no way in hell that I would still be alive. Yet somehow, I feel completely different, like I am missing something really important. The air also feels somewhat different than what I am use to, but I cannot put my finger on it. My thoughts start drifting back to the dream as I sit there thinking about what I could possibly be missing.


It was a Friday night and I was at a party that my best friend, Mark, was having to celebrate the end of the soccer season. The party was finally winding down and many people were already leaving for the night; some driving, while others walked home. Deciding that it should be about time for me to start heading back home I started to leave.

"You should probably stay the night, it looks like it's going to start storming really bad soon," Mark said stopping me. I went over the idea in my head for a couple of seconds before I made my mind up.

"I can't," I said regrettably.

"Why not, I know you didn't drive here and it would be safer than walking if it does start storming?" He said with worry in his voice.

"I can't my mom told me I had to come home tonight and that if I didn't, I would be grounded until next month," I explained a little disappointed in my current situation. "That concert that we have been planning to go to is next week, it would be a shame if I couldn't be able to go considering we already bought the tickets and everything for it."

"Alright, just try to be safe, I wouldn't want you to get hurt before than either," He said with the sound of defeat. With that I continued on my way out of the door.

Mark's house wasn't really that far away from my own. It was only a five-minute walk away, which is why I decided to walk there in the first place. Then it was a nice sunny day, with beautiful weather. Now though, the air was cold and I could feel the moisture in the air that usually signals a coming storm. Looking around I begin to regret not driving, but right now there was nothing I could do about it.

Halfway home is when the storm finally started. It began with a small drizzle of rain, but then soon developed into a full-on raging storm. The sky was lit up from flashes of lightning and the loud sounds of thunder rumbling. The wind was blowing fiercely causing some of the trees to creak and bend. Through all of this I started to run trying to get home before I began to get extremely soaked.

I was just a couple blocks away from my house when it happened. With a loud crack lightning struck one of the wires on the power lines, most likely what caused it to snap and begin falling towards me completely unaware of the danger. The first thing I felt was the extreme pain of something heavy falling into me and knocking me to the ground. The next thing I felt was the pain of thousands of volts of electricity coursing through my sixteen-year-old body as the wire settled on top of me.

My body began to convulse from all the electricity preventing me from getting out from underneath the wire. I could smell my flesh begin to burn from the heat of the electricity. All this pain started to make me feel weaker as it became hard to stay awake. Slowly I became unaware of anything as my eyes begin to close for the last time, with my last thought being that mom is going to be so upset with me.


After I got my thoughts under control, I slowly realized that I am in a very unfamiliar room. This only caused panic to rise back into my throat. I quickly look around the room to see if I can figure out where I am and how I got here. Glancing around the room I saw that there was going to be very little things that would give me a clue about my whereabouts.

The room looked to be pretty much plain except for a small window in the comer of the room, an end-table next to the bed which had a small lamp on it plus a piece of paper that looked to be a note, and also there two doors on the far side of the room, the first looked like it was an entrance to an underground lair, while the second was decorated in skulls. My eyes after taking in the rest of the room drifted back to the note that was on the end-table. I got up off the bed and went over and picked it up and read it.


You are probably wondering where you are at the moment. Well I can answer that for you. You are in one of my many rooms customized to suit whoever occupies them. The room is called Limbo, the place a dead soul arrives, rest, and relives their final moments on Earth, before their fates are decided. This brings me to your next question that came to your mind from reading this. Yes, you are dead. Your death was not a good one, as you were fried to a crisp due to the electrical wire falling on top of you. You are very lucky though since I have a special offer for you. Which you can either choose to find out what it is or instead go to the afterlife and face your fate. If you decide to see what my offer is than go through the skull decorated door. If you rather get on to the afterlife than choose the other door. I will honor whatever choice you make.


I dropped the note after I finished reading it and stood in shock. I'm dead I thought, wow it happened so fast. I had so much to do still. My thoughts drifted to my mother, then to my friends, and then to all the people I knew. I wondered if I would even be missed, or who would show up to my funeral. I won't get any answers in the afterlife I thought. I can at least go and see what this Anubis person wants and maybe I can get some answers from him. I swallowed all my nervousness and open the skull door and stepped through it.

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