Chapter 17: Painful Confession

Start from the beginning

Then it was Kayne’s turn to talk with Bruce. Also sometimes Bruce could actually convince her to eat her vegetables and not just her hamburger and chips. She made glaring eye contact every time she took a bite of her raw broccoli and crunched on it.

Once she finished her food, the therapist lady would come back in and finished up the therapy by stretching with Kayne again. She would show Kayne how much progress she made before leaving. Kayne would keep flexing her foot sluggishly in awe, as Bruce would silently watch with pride.

They would chat again and six o’clock would roll around. Alfred would show up with homemade dinner that the hospital obviously had to agree upon.

They had to maintain some sort of control over this. So Alfred made only food that the doctors told him Kayne could safely eat.

Laughter was exchanged along with questions of progress. Kayne would show him how much progress she was making and he would clap at how proud he was.

Then the time came for that one rule they tried keeping intact. Visiting hours ended and Alfred had to leave to go back to the Manor or Wayne Enterprise to talk the Mr. Fox.

Bruce was the only exception to that rule considering Kayne nearly put a doctor into a coma accidently during her needle tantrum. At least, she claims it was an accident. She obviously didn’t mean to nearly choke them to death. Bruce just gave her a look and she just giggled and kept quiet. They would bath her but only one doctor was allowed to touch her, Doctor House. Doctor House became Kayne’s official night doctor and carried out the sponge baths.

Days turned into a week and that week turned into two weeks and then suddenly a month and a half passed before the schedule was disrupted. It happened during dinner as Bruce left the cafeteria and headed up to the ICU. It was mid-December. Alfred hadn’t been able to visit that day because some large meeting with the board of the Enterprise.

Bruce some how balances two plates of burgers, packages of fries, vegetables, and water bottles in his arms. He exits the elevator and strides past the desk where Doctor House was putting away her purse with a Dr. Pepper in hand.

“Bruce, Bruce, Bruce, Bruce…” House calls over and over, until he turns to look at her. “Yes Doctor, Do you need something?” He asks reluctantly, turning to her with raised eyebrows. She cracks open her soda, and replies, “The police are here for you.” She points behind her to reveal Commissioner Gordon.

Bruce looks at him with understanding. “Commissioner, it’s been awhile. What can I do for you?” He greets, placing the food on the counter, to reach his hand out to shake an approaching Commissioner’s hand. He grasps Gordon’s hand firmly in a hand shake. “Good to see you Wayne. I actually didn’t come for you but in fact your daughter.” Gordon returns the greeting.

“Why?” Bruce questions but seems to already know the answer. Gordon seems to sense it too. “I think you know why. I have been able to hold police reports off for a month but nobody has said anything about the robbery. They refused to say anything all together as if something holy happened in that mansion.” Gordon replies, shrugging his shoulders.

“Alright Commish, come on. She’s been dying for some visitors today other then me. Alfred couldn’t make it today.” Bruce answers, grabbing the plates of food. Doctor House grabs the two water bottles, and comes around the corner to open the door.

“Thanks Doc.” Bruce thanks as he shuffles in the door.

Kayne was out of bed shuffling around the room with her knee bending exaggerated. She turns and smiles at the open door. “Hey! Oh, hey.” Kayne greet excitedly then less enthusiastically when she sees more people.

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