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As I walked to technology I was beyond FURIOUS. Who the fuck did this dude JusDick think he was. I mean he's cute but I'm not just gonna be a quick fuck for ANYBODY besides I'm still a virgin. Yes I'm 18 and still a virgin but that's because I have respect for myself plus I haven't found someone that deserves my gold Visa card. He damn sure is not that guy. He's obviously your average fuck boy and I don't have time for his bullshit. During class I got tired of listening to Mr. Stevens talk about the dangers online so I asked to use the bathroom. Om my way to the bathroom I realized I forgot a pass so I had to hurry up before my principal saw me so i started sprinting to the bathroom. As I sprinted I passed the Janitor's closet and heard groaning. I froze and thought I know no one is having sex in the fucking Janitor's closet. Not even a minute later I heard a girl moan "Ooo Justin right there".  As so as I heard his name I saw read and then  I had an amazing idea to get my revenge on JusDick so instead of busting them myself I shall go get Principal Wagner because you know what they say, Karma's a bitch.

A.N: DOE READ THE 1ST TWO CHAPTERS. Sorry I have been M.I.A but to be honest I wasn't going to continue the story but since Doe's read it I have a fire lit under me to continue. Xoxo ❤

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