New Kid

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I never felt loved, liked, or wanted until I met him. HE loved me for me. HE wanted me for everything I had. HE is  the reason why I can stand in front of a mirror and tell myself I AM beautiful. HE was my light in my time of darkness and didn't even know it. He is the LOVE of my life. HE is Justin Beiber.
                           *2 years earlier *
Monday morning, need I say more. Mondays are the freaking worst. Nothing ever goes right! For example, when I woke up this morning and went to play my music all of my music was GONE.WTF!! Anyway now while my stupid social studies teacher is using history as an excuse to talk about his personal life, I have to re-download all 8,000 songs on my iPhone 6 plus.Then, my hair was actin like a butt, so i had to settle for a messy bun. Lastly , i didn't know what the hell to wear. Eventually i settled for jeans, a black tee, and my roshies plus my Bulls fitted. Now i am sitting here and listening to Ms.Chester rant about why Math is important. As we were starting Algebra a new kid walked wearing all black and might i say he was looking FINE. From his brown hair to his creamy skin color everything about him screamed SEX! Ms. Chester told him to sit next to me. As he walked to his seat he gave me a wicked grin and a sexy wink. Damn this year just got interesting.
A.N : 1st story show me some love, don't be a jerk, and let's see if we can get Doe to see this.

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