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Messiah ( In The Mm)

"MA IM HOME" i Said while Climbing over boxes and shit yeah we just moved here from texas, My Moms Got a New job down here so we had to pack up and leave. I miss texas so much but you know New start.

"IN Madisons Room" She said slightly yelling I sat my book bag down walked to my little sisters room who is. 10 she still at school .

"Hey Ma " I said While Giving her a kiss on the cheek

"Hey baby how was school" she asked with her slightly turning her head towards me and then turning it back to putting wooden letters that spells Madison on her wall.

"It was Good You need help "I said Walking to where she is

"No Baby I got it . You meet any one" she asked while nailing it in the M in the Wall

"Yeah " I said With a slight smile

"Whats her name " My Mama Said Looking at me smiling my mama knew That i wasnt Smiling because i made a friend she knew i was smiling because it was a girl.

"Jakeema" I said

"She aint fast like them other Females is she" My said While Nailing the A in the Wall.

"Naw Mama Matter Fact we suppose to be hanging out sometime this week" I said While Taking my phone out and texting her


"Ok well Watever makes you happy in Happy "She said while nailing the "D" on the wall

Keema: Hey

"imma go finish unpacking my stuff "I said while walking out

Me: Wyd

"it's that girl texting you isn't "She asked while turning around with her left hand on hip and the hammer dangling in the right hand , with her tilted to the left side with a smirk on her face

"Yeah ma"I said

"Ok don't let that girl take all your attention off of what you needa do around this house oh and we going out for dinner today since i dont get my new refrigerator till tomorrow, and can you please go get Ya sister for me?" She said while turning back to doing wat she was doing

"Yeah Ma" I said while fully walking out, and going to my room and laying on my bed

Keema: just got done doing my chores

Me: dats wassup

Keema: Yeah wbu

Me: Layin down waiting to go pick my sister up at 3:45

Keema: How old Is your sister

Me: 6

Keema: Aww cute i always wanted a little sister

Me: Coo you can have mine

Keema: Lol you just can't be giving you sister away like that lol im sure she's not that bad

Me: Lol You come live over here and tell me how you feel lol

Keema: Well she's not my older brother thats for sure

Me: Yeah wassup with him he act just like them dumb ass people at the school

Keema: Yeah thats the brotherly love i get more like brotherly hate i mean people are just ignorant these days ,

Me: speaking of that why you let them talk to you like that when i asked you earlier you just stayed quiet

Keema: because what sense does it make they gonna keep talking regardless if i say something or not

Me: But Honestly I Think You should say something the more you keep quiet the more you letting them talk shit on you . fucking wit me they aint gone say shit to you tho and uh whos that nigga you been looking at

Keema: I understand but damn you nosey and that Jacquees I use to almost like him but some how he just can't leave these hoes alone and we was suppose to go somewhere this friday but never mind .

Me: So you free on friday i see

Keema: Yeah

Me: Lets Go somewhere maybe you can show me around Jersey

Keema: I can do that

Me: So its a Date?

Keema: Yeah

i smiled shit i just met ha and she gotta nigga feeling ha

Me: Aight. ill pick you up at 5 Friday and uh ill talk to you later gotta go get my lil sis from school

Keema: aight and Bye

"Ma imma Bout to go get Madison " I said while standing in the doorway of madisons room my mom was almost done with her room all she needed to do was fix her bed,

"Ok " She said

i grabbed my keys and off i went

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