Day Five

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Prompt: Every year Elvis Presley gets 1000 Valentines. Write about a person who sent him one.


Today is Valentine's day. Everyone's favorite day! The year is 1984 and this year I WILL send him a Valentine! I was too afraid to the other years but this year is different. This is the year I send Elvis Presley a Valentine!

Dear Mr. Presley,

I know you will never get this but that's alright. I just wanted to tell you one last time how much you mean to me. I'm 16 now and the last time you saw me, I was only nine. Everyone was so sad when you died. 

You were always there for me growing up. Whenever I was sad or angry or hurt you were there. Your music was always there too. But then your music became more popular and you left. And then you died. I was very sad then too but somehow I still knew you were with me. 

But the purpose of today's letter is a Valentine! Since it's Valentine's day and all. I've been meaning to write you one all of these years since I'm your number one fan but I never did. Sorry about that. After all of these years, you're still my favorite singer. You've always been the best. And you had so much talent. Your music reached lots of teenagers out there and continues to reach me, even today. 

Well I had better get going. I have my own talents to work on. You've always been the best. Happy Valentines day Dad.


Lisa Marie


Sorry it's late guys!

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