Day Two

26 2 1

Prompt: Write something inspired by the colour of the walls of the room that you're in.


White is

The colour of falling snow

The colour of your wedding day

The colour of my skin

The colour of innocence.

Falling snow is

The short days in winter when

I can wear long sleeves and hide

My scars.

The wedding day is

Supposed to be beautiful but

I know it will never be that way for me.

My skin is

Pale and covered in 

Thin lines called scars

And stretch marks.

Innocence is

Something that he took away 

Something that I can never get back.

Something that has been soiled by

His decisions and

My mistakes.

Now you see why White is not

My favorite colour.

This sucksssss I basically slapped it together and I don't really like it :/

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