"Yes, Mr Greek God," I said closing my locker, not really doing much to defend him this time.

"Greek God? That's a new one," she said as we started to walk down the corridor.

"Yeah. Thought of it recently," I said with a shrug, as if there wasn't much more behind it. She made a face like she was considering the name before nodding intrigued and looping arms with me.

"Yeah, sounds about accurate." I laughed.

"You have no idea."

"Bitch alert, three o'clock."

I faltered at the sudden announcement. I'd never quite gotten Violet's tendencies for sudden 'alerts'. My eyes scanned the hall for the imposing threat and landed smack dab on exactly who I had expected to be honest.


Like usual, she was surrounded by her army of she-devils. All tall, long legged and Barbie doll faced. Laughing and giggling, eyeing people who went past and making snarky comments to each other.

Brianna stood there like the 'cool one'. Not really acting like she was too interested in what anyone had to say, so her friends seemed to fight over being the one to catch her interest. Her arms were folded nonchalantly as he blew and popped a thick piece of bubble gum. Teachers swept by her and didn't say a word about it, where as if I were chewing gum they'd make me spit it out immediately and watch me while I did it.

I guess that's the treatment you get when you have status and money.

Her shiny hair was done up in a lazy pony tail that shockingly still looked flawless. She was wearing a high-waisted skirt, slim black knee socks and shiny black wedges that would've gotten you suspended for the rest of your life.

Like, those shoes probably cost more than my house.

You could probably buy me with those shoes.

But her outfit wasn't much of my concern right now. It was what was on the inside that I had to deal with. And as weird as the statement sounded, it was the bitter truth. Sometimes in the day I truly would stop and really wonder why the heck I'd agreed to any of this.

I was crazy.

As Vi and I silently walked past, I noticed Brianna's familiar gaze fall upon me. Her eyes scanned my figure before she looked back at my face and frowned. I quickly looked away and lowered my head, pulling Vi further along so we could get away faster.

"What's the rush? I wanted to mark my territory," Violet said disappointedly as I dragged her further down the hallway.

"Everything's the rush," I murmured, my face heating up. Stupid social anxieties. "And this is school, not the wild."

"Everywhere is the wild, my sweet Eve," she said longingly. I gave her an odd look as she stared dramatically into the distance. Maybe the two of us really were destined for each other. A pair of insane girls bound for a mental hospital.

Something smacked my shoulder, sending me shuffling back. I let out a surprised 'oof' before my eyes wondered up to the culprit. I was about to mutter a quick sorry but when I saw who it was I held my breath. Ethan.

He stared down at me with knowing eyes.

The look quickly faded.

Like I wasn't even there, he looked away and ahead of him, cascading on and down the hallway. Well, great job staying out of contact with me.

I'd be lying if I said part of me didn't feel offended.

One or two other friends of his went walking after him, simultaneously barging me in the shoulder like he'd done. They sniggered to themselves and walked on without a second glance. I groaned inwardly but said nothing.

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