The ex.

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So an ex is always very sucky to have. Of course depending on whether or not you broke his/her heart or he/she broke yours is the way it could be horrible. I'm just saying right now, I'm kind of in a tight spot. Pretty much the only guy I have ever "loved" broke my heart, he asked me out again afterwards but me being the stupid and stubborn girl I am said no. And boy do I wish I said yes. What I'm trying to say here is that if you have a gut feeling that you should be with someone or you love someone go for it. Don't be nervous of what other people think and don't let their opinions get in your way. Friends will be there in the end, if they're a true friend that is. But one thing you have to be sure of is that this boy or girl that breaks your heart over and over actually loves you. Ask them. Don't be afraid. "Do you really love me?" Don't get me wrong this could go terribly wrong but as long as you know. If you do take my advice and it goes wrong I'm here and I'm so so sooo sorry but we can get through this I've been there and know exactly what can help. And if your a girl and think that you can't make the first move. YOU CAN. I kid you not guys live when girls take control.
1) Make sure whatever you're doing is what you want to do, not what someone else wants.
2) Ask them if they like/love you like you love them.
3) If you end up with a broken heart find someone to comfort you weather it be me or your best friend someone is always there to rant to.
4) ICE CREAM!! (no explanation needed.)

Okay on to you breaking up with someone. Now remember how it felt to get your heart broken? That's how that person feels right now. Shoot them a text and ask them if they're okay. Remember don't be to friendly or they might think you're trying to rekindle your love connection. And believe me I've broken a few hearts in my day. It makes me sick. I hate hurting someone like that. It feels as if you are ripping their heart out and stomping on it. A good thing to do when thinking like this is to tell yourself its for the better. If you don't like/love someone you shouldn't be in a relationship with them. Its hard to hear but its the truth, you should make yourself happy before ANYONE. Also a good thing to do when breaking up with someone is to make sure you say that you don't want to lose your friendship. This will make them feel as if they still have you to lean on when they're down. And they do. And last but certainly not least, don't be afraid to break up with someone. If you respect that person you can tell them that you don't like them in that way. I know its hard, but its what has to be done.
1) Remember how you felt and ask them if they're doing alright. (DONT FLIRT)
2) Make yourself happy before anyone else. You come first no matter what. I know it sounds selfish but its true.
3) Be friends after it just makes it easier inside and out.
4) Dont be afraid. Say what you feel and don't hold back.

Authors note: um idk this is a dumb little book thingy but whatever. I guess this is an advice book. Sorry its so short.

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