Chapter 6: Dunkim Issues

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Zoey's POV

It's now three weeks later. So updates on things. 

Me and Ryth are dating. Kim and Duncan are dating.

The Operation PJ Day was a success.

And into reality!!!

"Ugh where's my stupid key!?!!!" I whined. I was searching for it in my bookbag when Ryth held it in front of me. "You gave it to me so you wouldn't lose it remember?" "Whatever, just open the door." Since me and him shared a room AND had the same last class of the day together (PE), we walked back together. We left one of our keys under a small flower pot with a mushroom in it outside the door, in case we needed it. Finally, he opened the door and we walked in. It was 6:00, after the school party celebrating Winter Break. Everyone was gone visiting family for the first few days of the break, so it was just me, Ryth, Duncan, Kim, and Hannah. 

About 1 hour later...

Me and Ryth were about to fall asleep, I was in my PJ tank top and fluffy shorts, Ryth with just shorts, when we heard a scream and someone burst through our door being chased. 

"Kim?!?! What is going on!?!" I say, worried. She runs over to us crying. "GET OUT HERE NOW BITCH.""Oh my gosh, is that Duncan? Kim what happened?" I say, resisting the urge to cry seeing my friend so terrified of her boyfriend aka my enemy. "He *sniff* tried to r-rr-.." She stuttered, bursting into tears. Rythian whispered to her, asking her what he thought it was, not wanting to say it aloud for fear of me hearing and being 20 times more frightened. She nodded. 

Rythians POV

I can't believe that asshole tried to rape Kim. "Should I go deal with him?" I asked them. "What if he hurts you? What if he gets into the room? What if he tries to hurt Kim again?" Zoey was asking all these questions. I heard a loud pound almost strong enough to break down the door. I put a magic force field on and around the door and frame, to prevent him from barging in. "I got this, Zoey, protect Kim here, I'll teleport out and deal with Dunc." Before she could protest, I teleported out, forgetting I didn't even have my mask on. I realised half way through the teleport. But I didn't care. If I protected my friend, I didn't care if I got teased or bullied even more by Sjips and Duncan. Duncan's really gonna want to knock me out after I protect his girlfriend from him attempting to rape her. I grabbed my Katar, prepared for the worst. But, he was gone. Or so I thought. After looking around for a bit, thinking he was gone, I was jumped by him. I was terrified for a second, then after realising it was him, I tossed him away from me and pinned him against the door to Sips and Sjins room. Luckily, the school was empty so I didn't care if I made much noise. I put the Katar against his throat and asked," Why did you try and harm Kim?" "What do you mean, I'd never hurt Kim, she's my girlfriend and I love her, unlike you." He responded. "What?" "You don't protect your girlfriend, unlike me. I could make Zoey like me in a split second." "No you can't, she wouldn't do that to me, I wouldn't let it happen either. I could persuade Kim to like me within a minute." "No you can't she loves me." I could see him breaking down inside. " Not after today. You almost RAPED her, I don't think she likes you very much." "NO SHE'S MINE I WON'T LET YOU TAKE HER." "I don't want Kim, I'm happy with Zo, but, I think Lalnable is coming out. I have to tell the principal." Lalnable is the monster Duncan blamed accidentally grabbing the Ender blood vial instead of the flight vial on. That's how the little Ender I had in me became harder to control. My Ender side is controlled and held within me by my love for Zoey. It only comes out when someone I care about, whether it be because I care or because Zoey cares about them, which makes me care.

I dragged Lalnable to the office and told Mr. Orwig ( shout out to my old principal, we miss you! Even though Mrs. Carr is great.) "It's here." He just nodded and pulled out a needle. He injected the sleep stuff into Lalnas arm as I explained everything then I dragged him to the Nurses office. Mrs. Something asked, "What happened this time? He looks knocked out but, there's no bruises?" I explained everything quickly. "You know what to do." She nodded, shocked by how he almost raped his girlfriend because of Lalnable.

I scrambled back to the room to see Zoey and Kim, sitting on the couch, drinking Tea, hugging and not wanting to let go. As I walked in, I sat next to them, and asked, "How you feeling now Kim?" She barely could nod, which, growing up close to Teep, everyone would take as an okay in this situation. "What happened? We heard streaming, threats, and someone got punched I thi- OH MY GOSH YOUR FACE." Zoey turned and held my chin, looking at a red bruise. "What happened? It doesn't look that bad but, I need to know!!" " It's okay. But basically, Lalna turned into Lalnable and almost raped Kim, I dragged him to the office, through the routine we go through whenever this happens an-" "Wait, HE'S BEEN LIKE THIS MORE THAN TODAY AND THAT ONE TIME WHEN I REALIZED HE WAS ACTULLY PHYSCO!?!???" Zoey shouted. "Yes, remember how I said I got these scars from a accident in Duncs lab and that's why I hate him? Well including all the ones mentioned, it's happened about 7 times." She was shocked and hugged Kim tighter, afraid for her. "I don't want any of our friends near that physco. Can Kim stay here for a while, at least until she's not terrified to the point of staying near me in every class?" I laughed, " Yes, as long as the principal is okay with it, which I'm sure he is, Kim can stay here." "Yay!!! But we need to find a place for her to sleep. How about, I sleep on the couch and you two stay in the bed, so you can protect her in case that physco comes back." "What about if we just share the bed between us all, we could easily all fit." Kim said. "Nah, you girls can sleep in the bed, and I'll sleep on the couch, if anyone tries entering  without person, I'll attack them." "No. I like us all sharing, we could protect either side of her, while Kim is in the middle. What do us say!" "I like the idea mainly cause I said it but in that order, I'd be crushed if anyone moved." " Well, whatever you girls decide is cool but decide now, I'm exhausted, wait, where's my Katar? I musta left it in the hall, lemme get it. " I go and get my Katar and come back where the girls have decided, that Kim could use the small comfy chair in the bedroom, just so we'd all be comfortable and so we could protect her if he came back. "Thanks for letting her stay. "" I couldn't let her be alone and terrified in her own room until Lanie came back." (BTW MY OCS FROM THE FIRST TWO CHZPTERS OF MY OC BOOK ARE IN THIS CAUSE I NEEDED MORE GIRLS SO I'D ACTUALLY HAVE AN UNEVEN AMMOUNT OF GIRLS AND AN EXCUSE FOR THEM TO SHARE A ROOM) "Your amazing. I like purple, Purples safe." "Huh?" "We both like purple. You wear lots of purple. Therefore, you are safe." "Fair enough. Goodnight, my little  mushroom princess." "Goodnight, my Enderborn. GOODNIGHT KIMMY." Zoey shouts across the room. "Night Kim", I say. "Night guys, thanks for letting me stay here I apprec-." She feel asleep. " No problem." I say to the sleeping Kim. I kiss Zoeys forehead. She kisses me on the lips," Night Ryth." and we both fall asleep after one crazy day.

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