Chapter 8: Busy Schedule and Lack of Food

Start from the beginning

As I walked to the kitchen I remembered my conversation with S.coups this morning. I figure after I eat all go talk will Joshua. Better get it over with.

I quickly eat and then head to the living room.

"Hey." I said as I sit down beside Wonwoo on the couch.

"Hi" He said quietly as he snugged into my chest.

"Have you eaten yet?" I asked.

"No." Wonwoo said, muffed by my chest.

"Why not?"I asked, looking down at him.

"I'm not hungry." Wonwoo said. "I don't feel good."

"Aw. Really?" I said. "Do you think you're getting sick?"

"I don't know honestly." He said.

We just stayed sitting there for awhile. I knew had to go talk to Joshua, but I just didn't want to leave Wonwoo.

"Wonwoo." I started. "I need to go do something."

Wonwoo sat up and looked at me confused.

"I'm going to talk with Joshua." I said and Wonwoo looked down.

"Alright." He said. "You'll come back right after though right?"

"Of course." I said and kissed Wonwoo on the cheek before heading to the vocal teams bedroom.

When I reached the bedroom, I knocked on the door.

"Come in." I heard Joshua say.

When I opened the door I saw it was only Joshua and Woozi, who was still sleeping, in the room.

"Hey, could I talk with you?" I asked as I walked a few steps in the room.

Joshua looked up at me and I could tell he wasn't happy it was me.

"What do you want?" He asked.

"Listen hyung, I'm not mad at you. It's just, you and Wonwoo hyung need to make up now that we've debut." I said as I walked in and sat on the floor in front of Joshua's bed.

"I know we do need to make up, and I want us to make up." He said. "It's just that, I don't think Wonwoo wants to make up."

"I can deal with Wonwoo hyung." I said and we both laughed a bit. "I just wanted to be sure you were willing to make up with him."

"I am." Joshua said. "I really am."

I left the room and headed back to the living room to talk with Wonwoo, but on my way I heard something.

"Come on Wonwoo. You need to eat. You've barely eaten anything these past few days." I could tell the voice was S.coups.

What does he mean that Wonwoo hasn't been eating. I suppose we've been quite busy and I haven't really pay attention that much, but I guess S.coups has.

Wonwoo was to quite with his repose because I couldn't hear him but I could still here S.coups.

"Wonwoo, something's wrong with you. I can tell. Just talk to us and tell us what's wrong." S.coups said I decided to go into the living room.

"Mingyu!" S.coups said as soon as I walked in. "Please talk some sense into your boyfriend."

"What's going on?" I said sitting down on couch and Wonwoo put his head in my lap.

"He has eaten a full proper meal in like 3 days." S.coups said.

I look down at Wonwoo. "This that true?" I asked and he just shrugged.

"Wonwoo, it's not good for you." S.coups said.

"I just don't feel good." Wonwoo said. "I'll eat when I feel better."

"Fine." S.coups said leaving the room, giving up on getting Wonwoo to eat.

"Wonwoo, we need to talk." I said after S.coups left.

"About what?" Wonwoo asked.

"About Joshua." I said.

"No." Was all Wonwoo said.

"Come on Wonwoo. I already talked to Joshua and he feels bad and wants to make up with you." I pleaded with Wonwoo.

"I said no." He said sternly.

"Wonwoo, you can't stay mad at him. You need to make up." I said and Wonwoo sat up.

"I said no!" He said, getting angry. "Drop it!"

"Wonwoo." I said.

"No ok!" He yelled standing up. "I'm going to make up with him so just drop it and leave me alone!"

With that, Wonwoo stromed out of the living room into his bedroom.

Good job Mingyu. Real good job. You pissed him off.

This is long but nothing happened... I feel bad.

Sorry it took long for the update. My phone got water damaged and now I have to use my old phone (which is slow af) and my computer.

I'll try to update as much as I can.

Hope you all enjoy this story!

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