I remained quiet finding comfort in Aslan’s voice and words. Then, unable to control myself, I asked him the question I had wanted to ask him since these past two days. “Aslan, if this place is heaven then why is all these things happening here?”

Aslan smiled and answered. “Why can’t all this happen here?”

“Uhh..” I thought about his question for a moment then answered from my heart. “This is not how we imagined heaven to be like in the shadowlands. In heaven there was no wars, no problems, nothing.” When I looked at his wisdom filled eyes, I felt like an ignorant child. “What is heaven Aslan?”

“What is heaven?” He repeated the question. “That is a question whose answer you have to search for yourself. And when you have done so, you will find yourself in heaven.”

I contemplated his answer. Then, knowing that I will understand the answer when I was supposed to, I asked yet another question. “Aslan, how is Edmund?” I hung my head and answered my own question. “You will only tell me my own story.”

“Indeed my child.” Aslan laughed and after a moment of silence he said, “Now, I think, it is time for you to go and sleep. We have a big day ahead of us tomorrow.”

“Will you be announcing you warriors tomorrow?” I looked up at him.

“Yes.” He said and after that I walked back to Cair Paravel, reaching there faster than I had thought. I had not expected to fall asleep but sleep overtook me the moment my head hit the pillows.

Next morning, I woke up feeling refreshed as usual. Getting dressed quickly, I made my way towards the terrace where we usually had breakfast. As Oreius had cancelled our training this morning, I had taken the liberty of rising after the sun.

“Peter, wait for me.” Lucy said as she hitched up her long dress a little and ran towards me. Together we reached the terrace where Mum and Dad were already present.

“Where is everyone else?” Lucy asked.

“Professor Kirke and Ms Plummer are with their friends King Frank, Queen Helen, Fledge and others.” Mummy replied. “I don’t know about Jill and Eustace.”

Mum and Dad both had a calm look on their face. However, I knew better than to believe that they were calm. I knew what they were doing and why. Mum and Dad were putting up a brave face just to assure us that nothig was wrong. This was a thing which we had done many a times during our reign. Putting on a brave face to prevent others from loosing hope and despairing.

I ate the food kept on the table. The food kept before me was the most delicious thing I had ever tasted but the only thought that came to my mind right now was ‘Edmund would have loved it all’.Dad lightly patted me, knowing full well what was bothering me. I looked up and gave him a small smile.

I was the last one to finish my food. Just as I finished my last bite, a tremor of summon blew through the air. I hurriedly wiped my mouth with a napkin and we left for Aslan’s How, the place where we had been summoned to. Don’t ask me how we knew where we had been called, for I will be unable to explain it. We just knew.

I was mildly surprised to see that everyone had been summoned. When we arrived there, people made way for us so that we could reach the front. Dad stood beside me all the time and Mum did not leave Lucy’s side. Caspian came and stood with his wife Lilliandil on his other side. I could now see everyone assembled there.

Once everyone was there, people began to rearrange themselves, as if knowing where to stand. Some unknown voice told me to keep standing wherever I was. I listened to it and others began to arrange themselves with me as some kind of landmark.

Narnia- Life Out Of ShadowlandsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя