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It was a cold night. I was all alone waiting for that someone to come. Believed and hoped that he'll ran unto me and ask for forgiveness because he's late. But no one came. It's past nine. My hands are shaking because of the coldness. And at last, I heard someone's calling my name.


But when I looked around, I saw no one, but only me.




  I'm Chloe Keller.

I work as a part-time model in a famous fashion magazine. I live alone. I chose to live alone. I have two cute little sisters and they are in gradeschool right now. I'm a highschool student though I don't look like my age. I'm tall and thin. But many thinks that I'm slim. They say I'm pretty with long, black, straight, beautiful hair which envies by my girl classmates. I have a fair complexion and that's the only thing that I'm proud.

They say being a model is exactly what is meant to me. But honestly, I'm just having fun posing in front of the camera and wearing cute clothes. In short, it's just my hobby. People say they love me, but I know not "everybody". Many are angry at me especially girls from other classes. As far as I know, I'm not doing anything to them but they hate me. I just ignore them,though. Coz' they are not worth my time. 

You might be wondering what happened to me in the past. (i know.. you're curious)

Exactly what the author had written, typed, or whatever, I was dumped by my boyfriend, the one I love most. But it was.. umm.. I think two years ago, so, I think I already moved on, bit by bit. 

I had a boyfriend.

His name is Adrien Crandall.

Unique name huh? yeah, kinda. Well, direct to the point, he's a hearthrob. (Seriously.) He's handsome, totally handsome and much taller than me. He have good grades with no records. That's the number one reason why girls kept falling for him. But not ME. I find him hypocrite. Just because I know his true form. Oh yeah, he was my best friend, though.

Iam the only one who only knows his true color. He might be good-looking, but he is really bad, evil, the worst! He acts like an angel at school but, when he's outside, he freakin' bad. He had five girlfriends all at once in one week and breaks up with them after three days. Girls look at him as a gentleman, but the ugly truth is that, he's cruel. He's frank. Once he told a girl to stay away from him because she's ugly and a sore in the eye. (though the girl looks, kinda.. umm.. yeah) She slapped him really hard and cried. Oh, it's not new to me. He does this eversince.

Well, when did I started liking him? when the most unexpected thing happened in my whole, entire life.

I'm at our house that day studying for the exams and then he called and said to me to come to the park. I went and saw him hiding in the bush. In my mind, I thought,

"What the-? Is he out of his mind or something?!"

I went to him and asked what's going on. He just grabbed my hand and pulled me.

"Hide!" he said.

"What the heck?! What is this?! Some kind of a joke?!" I said angrily.

"Shh! She'll hear us!"


I looked around and saw a girl, a scary girl. Looks like she's ready to fight.

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