Farewells & Purchases

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The medium sized brown bag in my hand made Germaine raise her eyebrows upon my entrance into our room.

"So? You went shopping?" she inquired curiously.

"Not really..." I replied vaguely.

"Spill, girl," she stood up from her swiveling chair and sat cross-legged on her bed across from me.

And so I explained to her everything that had happened on our cast's little outing.

"So you're telling me while I'm caroling my butt off your cast is drinking warm, sweet drinks, socializing, and receiving gifts?" Germaine asked me annoyed.

"Basically," I said giggling.

"Urgh. I can't believe you! Lucky girl..."

"Hey! Let's not be jealous again. Don't want to start that up again."

"Oh yeah... So let's open those gifts," she said snatching the bag away from me, "Red velvet? Why? Why not Hawaiian Paradise or Japanese Blossoms?"

"It has a meaning," I explained.

"Oh," she mocked me, "A meaning."

"Goodnight, Germaine," I said with a wink.

She winked back, "I'm going to miss you over break, you know... The slopes of the Sierra Nevadas will not fill your place."


On December 18th the final school bell gave way to our winter break. Obviously, my peers and I were ecstatic as a long semester had strained every bit of sanity from us. However, I was still very saddened by the fact that I was not going to see my cast through the duration of the break. Lara York was nice enough to give us a break from rehearsals while we went home to our families.

Parents picked up their children as goodbyes to friends were said. In the distance, I saw my mom as she waved me over. Nolan, although capable of driving himself home as early as possible, kept me company.

Upon my mothers arrival, he gave my a friendly hug saying, "Have a nice break, Juliette. See you when school starts up again."

"Bye... Oh wait! Before I forget, you know it's weird because we basically live together- I mean in the same school- we already see each other all the time. What I mean to say is, could I have your number... since we never exchanged them?"

"Sure," he said with a broad smile.

In the car my mother was, of course, very curious.

"Who was that guy? When did you want to tell me about a boyfriend?" she started.

"Woah. Too many questions at once, mom," I giggled uncontrollably, "Yes, we're together but you'd barely consider us together. You know what I mean?"

"Of course I know what you're talking about. I'm your mom! You probably only kissed this guy once. My modest, demure child. I raised you well. So, does he try to kiss you?"

"No," I replied confused.

"I did not know high school guys like that existed anymore."

"Well apparently they do so... Hey mom you needed to take that exit."

"I know. We're just going to be going on some holiday shopping. You haven't made me buy you anything for four months now. And with all of your accomplishments, I believe you deserve quite a bit of presents."

"Wow. I never thought I'd here this," I said elated.

We pulled up to a stall in the parking structure and entered through the department store to a plethora of stores. The mall; where a girl can never have enough of the colorful luxury items displayed in its window casings.

After grabbing a bite to eat from the food court, because my mom and I were famished from the two hour drive, I received a text message.

Unknown Number: Hi. It's Nolan.

Me: I assumed. Where are you at?

I immediately entered his name into my contacts.

Nolan: I just got home. I live a little farther away from the Academy then you. ;)

Me: Oh yes! I forgot your area code was 90210.

"I believe that goofy grin on your face is not the product of a text Germaine sent you. Is it him?" my mom asked.

I nodded my head yes.

Nolan: Hey I'm not proud of it!

Me: Why not?

He didn't reply to the last message I sent him. I wondered if I had said something wrong. Slowly becoming impatient, my mother told me to hurry up so we can start shopping.

We went to the trendy clothing stores and purchased a special holiday outfit and many sweaters. We also went to the Arts & Crafts store to buy my much needed stage makeup set. From the shoe store I got boots and the makeup place a red lip stain for the holiday season. At that point I was set.

"I think that's enough mom," I assured her.

"You think?" she remarked sarcastically, "Alright then. Let's head home. Your dad should be home with our tree."

Some traditions just don't fade with the years. That's what makes them so special.

A/N: This chapter was jam packed with new settings and interactions :) Hope you liked it! If you did please don't hesitate to give a vote or comment.

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