Chapter 64 - On my way.

Start from the beginning

"Tori?" Her mom called. "Be back soon!" Tori shouted back before running out her front door. She got to her car, got in and started her car up. Driving out, she was heading there. She thought to herself to not go, to stay away, but her mind was in a blackout state of mind, where it was one of those her head telling her no, but her heart was saying yes.

No wise words, could stop her. She was past the point of no return, no matter how much he'd hurt her or how much she was hurting...she was running to him.

Finally stopping outside his gate, she got out and locked her car. Making her way up his front path, she looked up to see his front door open and Michael stood. A smile on his face. His teeth showing. Tori smiled, and ran up the path before jumping onto him. Wrapping her legs around him, and slamming her lips onto his. Michael kissed her back with force.

"God, ive missed you" He told her breathlessly a little. "Its been...too long" She looked at him. Thats something she'd thought she'd never say to him. They kissed, before he rubbed his nose across her's making her giggle. He looked at her, and she couldnt help but smile. Jumping down from him she looked behind him.

"Parents?" She whispered. "They are out tonight" He smiled and nodded. "Ah, okay...where you watching out for me?" She smirked. "Yes" He admitted and laughed. Tori laughed with him, as he wrapped her arms around her and sat his hands on her back. She examined his face, his eyes looked tired. He had some stubble. "You okay?" She then asked him. "Yeah why?" He nodded, clearing his throat. Tori shook her head. "Just....asking" She told him smiling a little.

"I wasnt...till now" He nodded, and sighed bringing her closer. "You....are...." She started. Michael rolled his eyes, before smiling waiting for the word. " cute" She smiled. "Oh, not an idiot?" He smiled. "Yeah that too but meh" She shrugged and laughed before Michael bent her down a little kissing her. He bit onto her lip before bringing her back up.

"You want a drink? Food?" He asked her. "Nuh, uh...just you" She took his face, and kissed him again. "I missed you so bad" She told him. "Mmm" He mocked a little.


The both of them had been laying together on his bed, for nearly 2 hours. Wrapping around each other, they lay cuddling. No sex. Just....hugs. Michael's music played quietly in the background. Tori, lay rubbing her feet softly off Michael ankle as she turned to him. He chuckled to himself. "What?" SHe asked smiling. He looked at her, and their faces were close.

"Remember that day...when we started senior year? We were going into home ec?" He asked her. Tori thought back then nodded. "Yeah. I didnt want you anywhere in  my class" She laughed quietly. "Yeah...and what did I tell you?" He licked his lips, before smiling. Tori thought back. "Hmm...uh, your gonna get some?" She joked. Michael laughed and shook his head.

"That...I'd have you wrapped around my finger in no time" He looked at her. Tori remembered and giggled. "Ooops" She smiled. "Told ya" He winked. "Thats...just sad" She kissed him. "Well, i told ya" He nodded. "Yeah, but you didnt...think you'd..." She began. "That i'd fall for you?" He smiled. Tori looked up at him. "What?" She suddenly asked. He nodded, before he sat up.

Tori moved, and sat up with him. "I like you. More than, friends, sex, basic stuff...." He told her. Tori nodded, as she listened to him. "But...theres something that was slapping me in the face, but i was ignoring it. Johnny told me, I ignored it. Jealousy told me, with Shane and Ash but I ignored it. Then finally i accpeted it." He sighed.

"This feeling i have for you. I havent had it before...and its love" He shrugged. Tori, began to smiled. "What?" She smiled at him widely. "I love you Tori" He sighed, and smiled. "Oh, that feels good" He then laughed a little. "Seriously?" Tori asked, and watched him nod. Tori sat closer to him and kissed him. "Good. Y'know why?" She smirked. "I think...I love you too" She told him. "Really?" He asked her.

Before she could nod properly, Michael was kissing her. Leaning, back and back. "Ahh!" Tori gasped out, as she fell back onto his bed. They both laughed as they laid there. "Oh my gosh!" Tori giggled. "Hey...." Michael turned her face, to face him. "Can i ask one last thing?" He asked. "MmHmm?" She smiled. "And its totally fine if you dont want to tell your friends but...would you actually want to be...mine?" He smiled.

Tori's stomach flipped. "Not just your sex toy?" She mocked. Michael laughed and shook his head. "No." He told her. Tori nodded. " that" She smiled. "But. Maybe, we should go gossiping when we go back to school" SHe giggled. "Okay" He nodded and grinned before leaning down and kissing her. "Wait. Do i have too be one of those paranoid girlfriends whos scared in case her boyfriend is off...sleeping around?" She raised her eyebrow.

"NO!" he laughed, and kissed her again. "Because if so...." She began. "Shut up!" He laughed, cutting her off by kissing her.

Ahhh! Surpise! Well, kinda haha. See im not a bad person guys. Im nice. But...maybe not get your hopes up too soon...ive got another twist coming soon. WHat do you think it is? <3<3<3

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