Henry's Tenth Post

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HenryMills: Watching this episode again with Belle 😭😭😭😭😭


BelleFrench: 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

ReginaMills: Why would you put yourself through so much emotional pain? Watching that episode once was painful enough!

RobinOfLocksley: What is that? Is the yellow stuff magic?

ReginaMills: No, he's regenerating and it's sad because he's my favorite Doctor and also we're having a Doctor Who marathon when I get back with the pizza

RobinOfLocksley: Okay

RobinOfLocksley: WAIT Is it okay for Roland to watch?

ReginaMills: Yeah, it's fine

RobinOfLocksley: Okay

EmmaSwan: 😭😭😭😭Not as sad as Doomsday, though...

ReginaMills: It's worse than Doomsday!

EmmaSwan: But Tenrose is OTP

ReginaMills: No, Ninerose is OTP

SnowWhite: No, Outlaw Queen is OTP

ReginaMills: Shut up

SnowWhite: Rude

ReginaMills: PLEASE shut up

SnowWhite: ...

PrinceCharming: Do none of you ship Whoufflé?!

ReginaMills: No way, Yowzah is much better

PrinceCharming: You disgust me

ReginaMills: You disgust ME

SnowWhite: Why can't you ship both?

ReginaMills: Because River and Eleven are married

PrinceCharming: But Whoufflé is true love

SnowWhite: No ship wars! Outlaw Queen beats everything

ReginaMills: Well it's better than Whouffle so whatever

RobinOfLocksley: Now I want to know what Whoufflé is

ReginaMills: That's not until season seven, but I'm almost back to the hotel

RobinOfLocksley: See you soon 😘

ReginaMills: You too 😘

SnowWhite: ❤️💕💗💛💛💚💟💟💞💞💗❤️💝💖💟💚💜💛💘💓💞💕💌💕💟💚💜💞💗❤️💗💖💌💞💕💓💟💛💗💖💕💝💛💓💘💚💛❤️💘💟💜💚💖💗💕💞💓💌💖💘💚💟💕💝💚💟💕💟❤️❤️💜💓💌💌💗💝💛💙💙💟💟💚💞💞💕💝💞💘💟💖❤️💖💓💟💚💖💞

ReginaMills: I've stopped trying at this point


Author's note: Personally, I ship both Yowzah and Whoufflé. I'm really very open about Doctor Who ships, bc I ship Rose and Clara with nearly every NewWho Doctor 😂😂 Anyways, this chapter is NOT meant to offend any Whoufflé or Yowzah shippers

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