Chapter 13

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(7am) A/N woah guys, it's not Midnight. Someone call the cops. Wooaaahhhh

Louis: Hazza, you said you lived in Cheshire right..?

Louis: Harry.

Louis: Haaarrrrreeeeehhhhhhhh


Harry: Sorry, I usually don't pay attention to my phone. It's not midnight, this is new. But, yeah... Why?

Louis: Well...  I found out our game today was in Cheshire. I'm actually almost there now...

Harry: No fucking way.

Harry: You've got to be kidding me.

Harry: Are you serious?

Louis: I'm 200% serious(':

Louis: Since it's Saturday, our game is at 10am. Then we have another one later today at 1pm. Then if we win, we'd have another game tomorrow. If we win that game, then we go to the finals. I'm not sure on the times for tomorrow yet. I was wondering... If you'd like to y'know... Come to my games..? If you're not busy of course. I know it's short notice and all... But, um... Yeah.

Harry: You're cute. I'd love to come. There's only like one football complex where they have the mini tournaments like this. So, I just need to know what time you want me there, and I'll be there(:

Louis: Well, I just got to the complex. We're about to start warming up if you'd like to come now..? I mean I'd maybe only be able to say a quick hi. Then I'd have to go back to warming up. 

Harry: I'm on my way(:


A/N Some of you might say this isn't how football works, well in America that how my football tournaments went. So, i'm just going off from my own experiences because I don't know too much about how the UK works. 

Midnight Memories (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now