Chapter 10

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Louis: Hey(:

Harry: Hi):

Louis: Hazza, what's wrong?):

Harry: Nothing, just haven't had a very good day...):

Louis: I'm sorry, wanna talk about it..?

Harry: There's nothing really to say... I'm just mostly stressed about school and kids are rude af):

Louis: Awe, I wish I could help):

Harry: Maybe you can...

Louis: How..?

Harry: By finally sending me a picture of you :D

Louis: ... Fine...

Louis: *Image Attached* (A/N Picture Louis sent is up top)

Harry: omf

Louis: ...What?

Harry: You're so hot.

Louis: Not really, i'm actually quite cold.

Harry: Stfu, your eyes. I love them. I'm inlove with your eyes. They're like an ocean. A big, beautiful, deep, blue, ocean. I could look at them forever.

Louis: (:

Harry: You have tattoos... Jesus, that's so sexy.

Harry: That was probably weird, I'm so sorry... :/

Louis: I don't mind, your eyes are beautiful too. I really fancy them.

Harry: Well, I really fancy you...

Louis: Wait, what..?

Harry: Shit... I g2g bye!

Louis: Wait, Harry! What?

Louis: Harry!!!

Louis: Don't go.

Louis: Why'd you leave?

Louis: Hazza??

Louis: Come back...

Louis: Ugh, fine.

Louis: Goodnight, Haz.

Midnight Memories (Larry Stylinson)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat