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darkness. that's all that i've ever felt since that day. i honestly don't know how to feel happiness anymore.

I woke up hearing a brutal banging coming from my window. I quickly got up from bed, picked up my phone and put it on the flashlight. I slowly tip-toed towards the window and pulled the curtains. I let out a shaky breath I didn't know I was holding. There was nothing there.

Ever since that day, I'm always imagining things. I have horrible nightmares, I wake up shaking, sometimes I even move around way too much in my sleep that I wake up with bruises.

That day always haunts me. Why did he have to go? Why did this have to happen to him, and not me? He had a whole career ahead of him. And me? I had nothing. I was just a normal 16 year old girl who spends her whole day on the Internet with no interest at all to the real world.

Sometimes, things happen. Horrible things. But you know what grandma used to always say? Everything happens for a reason. And that's what I've been keeping to mind. That day, when he was brutally beaten and died, was the worst day I've ever been through. But, I've kept my grandmas words in my head.

I don't know why that happened, but I do know that there's a reason that it did. And I'm determined to find out.


"Anna-Mae, breakfast!" My step-mom called for me.

I told her I was coming and then I quickly brushed through my long brown hair, put it into a ponytail, and then jogged downstairs.

"Did dad leave already?" I asked my stepmom Leah.

"Yeah, sorry hun."

You see, ever since that day, I've been so depressed and I feel like it's been rubbing off on people. My dad being one of them. I was always a daddy's girl so I think he's been gaining on my feelings as well.

"So Anna-Mae, you excited for prom? Your dress fitting is tomorrow!" Leah asked.

Prom is in just a few weeks so I just got my dress recently. I would love to go with him but unfortunately, that's kind of impossible. I honestly didn't wanna go to prom but Leah persuaded me to go and said that I would regret it in the future. So I went along with it.

"Ehh I'm not really excited. I mean I don't even have anyone to go with, I don't even think that anyone is gonna want to go with me. At school no one pays attention to me and they always just stare at me with disgusted looks. I'm just an outcast, no one even cares about me!" I started raising my voice at this point.

"Stop being quiet and stop reminding yourself of him. He's just a boy, there's so many more boys out there. Find another one, he's not important Anna-Mae!" She spoke to me with such a hard voice.

"He is not just another boy! I love him! He didn't deserve to die, and how dare you speak of him like that! I hate you, stop acting like my real mother when you're not anywhere near as loving or caring as her. You'll never be my mother! I hate you, Leah. My dad was way better without you!" I screamed at her.

She had tears in her eyes, and I instantly felt regret towards her. I ran up to my room, slamming the door.

"Shawn, it's been six months since you've left. I still can't believe it. I feel like it's all my fault for everything that's happened. I feel like if I hadn't lead you on and told you to come with me, then you wouldn't have died like that, I feel like you would have been alive, here with me right now, at this very moment. I feel like you would be living out your dream, with your best friends. We would be going to prom together, we would live a happy life together. We would grow up, have a family together. Buy a house together, live out our lives together. I just miss you so much and I wish you could be here right now, with me. But unfortunately that's not how it works. Once you die, you die. And unfortunately, there's no coming back. I'm so upset without you here, I feel like I should leave too, just so I could be with you. But I don't wanna leave such a burden. When you left, everyone was depressed and lonely and just plain sad. I don't want that to happen. So I'm gonna stay strong. Not for myself, for you. I love you Shawn."

I went back downstairs and saw Leah sitting down on the couch looking really upset, she had a newspaper in her hand.

I sighed before speaking "Leah?"


"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be such a bitch to you like that and just scream at you. Thanks for everything you do and thanks for taking such a hard role, and making my dad happy. Of course you're never going to be my real mom, but thanks for trying. I do love you, Leah."

Leah cried for the second time today, but this time it wasn't from sadness. She also pulled me in for a warm embrace. I smiled.

"Sorry Leah but I'm gonna go eat my breakfast quickly because I didn't have a chance to earlier, when I just ran off." She smiled and nodded her head, with a quick chuckle.

As I was walking into the kitchen, I saw a flashing light go off from upstairs. I shrugged it off as I kept walking towards the kitchen.

The kitchen was really quiet so I decided to turn on the radio. There was a really catchy song on the radio. I recognized the voice that was singing, but I just couldn't put a finger on it.



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